--- \home\c11067\work\C32\builds\pic32-microchip-release-1.12-20101221-rc2-20101221\pic32-libs\libc\stubs\default-general-exception-handler.c
9D00DD28 1000FFFF beq zero,zero,0x9d00dd28
9D00DD2C 00000000 nop
// declared static in case exception condition would prevent
// auto variable being created
static enum {
EXCEP_IRQ = 0, // interrupt
EXCEP_AdEL = 4, // address error exception (load or ifetch)
EXCEP_AdES, // address error exception (store)
EXCEP_IBE, // bus error (ifetch)
EXCEP_DBE, // bus error (load/store)
EXCEP_Sys, // syscall
EXCEP_Bp, // breakpoint
EXCEP_RI, // reserved instruction
EXCEP_CpU, // coprocessor unusable
EXCEP_Overflow, // arithmetic overflow
EXCEP_Trap, // trap (possible divide by zero)
EXCEP_IS1 = 16, // implementation specfic 1
EXCEP_CEU, // CorExtend Unuseable
EXCEP_C2E // coprocessor 2
} _excep_code;
static unsigned int _epc_code;
static unsigned int _excep_addr;
// this function overrides the normal _weak_ generic handler
void _general_exception_handler(void)
asm volatile("mfc0 %0,$13" : "=r" (_excep_code));
asm volatile("mfc0 %0,$14" : "=r" (_excep_addr));
_excep_code = (_excep_code & 0x0000007C) >> 2;
while (1) {
// Examine _excep_code to identify the type of exception
// Examine _excep_addr to find the address that caused the exception
http://www.microchip.com/forums/m455278.aspx它看起來像我需要我自己來定義異常處理功能。 – lucemia