2012-08-28 43 views



f  = 2 
Original = [a,b,c,...,x,y,z] 
New  = [a,a,b,b,c,c,...,x,x,y,y,z,z] 


List<Foo> interleave(List<Foo> original, int f) { 
    int newSize = original.size() * f; 
    List<Foo> interleaved = new ArrayList<Foo>(newSize); 

    for(Foo foo : original) { 
     for(int j = 0; j < factor; j++) { 
      interleaved.add(new Foo(foo)); 



您的解決方案儘可能高效。 –


爲什麼你重新創建'foo'實例?第一個對象不應該與原始列表中的對象相同嗎?你可以使用'foo.clone()'而不是複製構造函數,還是有什麼特別的? – Thomas


@Thomas因爲實際上'Foo'是一個x-y對,所以x會隨着每次迭代而增加,但y保持不變。 – Dunnie





    * PROS: 
    * -Very low memory-footprint, as no new objects are created in memory, just references to a single (original) object. 
    * -Can be done with generalization; A single method will function for most classes and data-types, as is below. 
    * CONS: 
    * -If you need each clone element to be changed independently from eachother and/or the orininal, this will not work directly, 
    * because any change to an reference-element will apply to all other reference-elements that point to that same Object. 
    * @param <E> Sub-class generalizator. Used so that the returned list has the same sub-class as the source. 
    * @param list Source list. The list containing the elements to be interleaved. 
    * @param f The factor to interleave for. In effect, the number of resulting elements for each original. 
    * @return A list containing the interleaved elements, with each element being a REFERENCE to the original object. 
    public static <E> List<E> interleaveByReference(List<E> list, int f) { 
     List<E> interleaved = new ArrayList<E>(list.size() * f); 
     for (E obj : list) { 
      for (int i = 0; i < f; i++) { 
     return interleaved; 




public static void replaceWithTrueClone(List<String> list, int objIndex) { 
    list.add(objIndex, new String(list.get(objIndex))); 
    list.remove(objIndex + 1); 


public static void replaceWithNewObject (List<String> list, int objIndex, String newObject) { 
    list.add(objIndex, newObject); 
    list.remove(objIndex + 1); 



    * PROS: 
    * -Each element is an independent object, and can be set to independent values without much of an effort. 
    * CONS: 
    * -Each element has it's own allocated memory for it's values, thus having a much heavier memory footprint. 
    * -Is constructor-dependent, and thus cannot be generalized as easily; 
    * Each different expected class will probably need it's own method. 
    * @param list Source list. The list containing the elements to be interleaved. 
    * @param f The factor to interleave for. In effect, the number of resulting elements for each original. 
    * @return A list containing the interleaved elements. 
    * For each of the original elements, the first is a REFERENCE, and the other are CLONES. 
    public static List<String> interleaveByClone(List<String> list, int f) { 
     List<String> interleaved = new ArrayList<String>(list.size() * f); 
     for (String obj : list) { 
      interleaved.add(obj); //The first element doesn't have to be cloned, I assume. 
      //If it has to be cloned, delete the line above, and change 'i=1' to 'i=0' on the line below. 
      for (int i = 1; i < f; i++) { 
       interleaved.add(new String(obj)); 
     return interleaved; 

    * What was changed from the original is commented below. 

    public static List<String> original(List<String> original, int factor) { 
     * It is unnessessary to have this 'newSize' variable. It gets needlessly maintained until the end of the method. 
     * Although the impact is unworthy of measurement (negligible), it still exists. 
     int newSize = original.size() * factor; 
     List<String> interleaved = new ArrayList<String>(newSize); //Just do the '*factor' operarion directly, instead of 'newSize'. 

     for (String foo : original) { 
      * If you can use the original here, that's one less cloning operation (memory-allocation, etc...) per original element. 
      * A low-impact optimization, but still a good one. 
      for (int j = 0; j < factor; j++) { 
       interleaved.add(new String(foo)); 
     return interleaved; 


  • 它需要6030(〜)毫秒創建並填寫原始列表 2000000個不同的元素。
  • 需要75(〜)毫秒將列表與 interleaveByReference()方法交錯。
  • 需要185(〜)毫秒將列表與 interleaveByClone()方法交錯。
  • 需要210(〜)毫秒才能將列表與 original()方法交錯。

在這裏有很多有用的建議,謝謝! – Dunnie



List<String> interleave(final List<String> original, final int f) { 
    final int size = f * original.size(); 
    final List<String> originalCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    for (String each : original) { 
     originalCopy.add(new String(each)); // <=== duplicate here. 
    return new AbstractList<String>() { 
     public String get(int index) { 
      return originalCopy.get(index/f); 

     public int size() { 
      return size; 


System.out.println(interleave(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"), 2)); 
System.out.println(interleave(Arrays.asList("x", "y"), 3)); 


[a, a, b, b, c, c] 
[x, x, x, y, y, y] 

如果列表的接收者想要添加數據會怎麼樣?'size'將始終是相同的。如果列表不被修改,我認爲這是巧妙的方法 – Cratylus


適用於原語和不可變對象,但可變嗎?你會返回相同的對象,而不是「重複」...但是,然後OP沒有指定他想要的。 –


@JimGarrison解決方案可以修改爲對originalCopy變量執行深層複製。 – Adam



List<Foo> interleave(List<Foo> original, int factor) { 
    int newSize = original.size() * factor ; 
    List<Foo> interleaved = new ArrayList<Foo>(newSize); 

    for(Foo foo : original) { 
    for(int j = 1; j < factor; j++) { 
     interleaved.add(new Foo(foo)); 

    return interleaved; 