2016-02-19 72 views



import java.util.*; 
public class MyPiano { 
    private static final String m = null; 
    private static final String b = null; 
    private static final String c = null; 
    private static final String f = null; 
    private static final String r = null; 
    private static final String d = null; 
    //Initialize class variables. 
    private int numOfKeys; 
    private String pianoMake; 
    private String pianoModel; 
    private boolean tuned; 

    //A constructor that has specific variables assigned to it. 
    public MyPiano (int numOfKeys, String pianoMake, String pianoModel, boolean tuned) { 
     this.numOfKeys = numOfKeys; 
     this.pianoMake = pianoMake; 
     this.pianoModel = pianoModel; 
     this.tuned = tuned; 
     //Created the output that will be displayed to the user. 
    public String toString() { 
     return "There is a beautiful " + numOfKeys + " key " + pianoMake + ", " + pianoModel + " in the living room." + 
    "\nIs it tuned?: " + tuned; 

    public static void main(String args[]) { 
     //Create an instance of household item method. 
     MyPiano piano = new MyPiano (88, "Steinway & Sons", "Model M studio grand", true); 

     //Output the status of the household item. 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     char letsPlayASong; 

     System.out.println("Would you like to take a stab at playing a song on the piano? Press Y or y for yes and N or n for no."); 
     char a = input.next().trim().charAt(0);  
     if(a == 'Y' || a == 'y') { 
     //change speed using switch statement 
      System.out.print("Which song would you like to play?(Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven's Fur Elise, or Chopin's March Funebre): Type m for Moonlight Sonata, f for Fur Elise, or r for March Funebre."); 
      if(b == m) { 
       System.out.println("This song is played in C# minor and the first three notes are: G#, C#, and E"); 
       char b = input.next().trim().charAt(0); 
       } else if(c == f) { 
       System.out.println("This song was written in A minor with the first two notes being E and D#"); 
       char c = input.next().trim().charAt(0); 
       } else { 
        if(d == r) { 
         System.out.println("This classic, otherwise known as The Funeral March, is to be played in Bb minor, however it can be very tricky!"); 
         char d = input.next().trim().charAt(0); 
     } else { 
      if (a == 'N' || a == 'n'); { 

爲什麼你有b,c,d變量?你可以用一個變量和switch語句做到這一點......你也可以在if子句中讀取變量b,c,d的值,這看起來不正確。你能重新檢查你在這裏發佈的代碼嗎? – kondu


我在弄清代碼後發現最終發現有人回答了我的問題。如果你看看我轉貼的內容,現在我可以更有意義地瞭解我的工作/完全按照我的意願去做 – 3monkeys1gorilla


Hi there。感謝您想提供答案。這通常是在問題之下,但是由於這個問題已經結束,您可以將它作爲原始問題的附錄添加。儘管如此,請不要替換原來的問題,因爲毫無疑問的答案對新讀者毫無意義。 – halfer





System.out.println("Which song would you like to play?(Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven's Fur Elise, or Chopin's March Funebre): Type m for Moonlight Sonata, f for Fur Elise, or r for March Funebre."); 
char b = input.next().trim().charAt(0); 
if(b == 'm') { 
    System.out.println("This song is played in C# minor and the first three notes are: G#, C#, and E"); 
else if(b == 'f') { 
    System.out.println("This song was written in A minor with the first two notes being E and D#"); 
else if(b == 'r') { 
    System.out.println("This classic, otherwise known as The Funeral March, is to be played in Bb minor, however it can be very tricky!"); 

您還沒有使用switch語句這裏不像在註釋行 //change speed using switch statement提及。 一個 switch聲明將是這樣的:

System.out.println("Which song would you like to play?(Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven's Fur Elise, or Chopin's March Funebre): Type m for Moonlight Sonata, f for Fur Elise, or r for March Funebre."); 
char b = input.next().trim().charAt(0); 
switch(b) { 
    case 'm': System.out.println("This song is played in C# minor and the first three notes are: G#, C#, and E"); 
    case 'f': System.out.println("This song was written in A minor with the first two notes being E and D#"); 
    case 'r': System.out.println("This classic, otherwise known as The Funeral March, is to be played in Bb minor, however it can be very tricky!"); 

謝謝你的回答,我接受你的答案,即使我已經正確地工作,並且以最初的方式工作,甚至在意識到有人發佈了我的問題答案。謝謝你的回覆無論:) – 3monkeys1gorilla


很高興它來的幫助。 –


