嗨我試圖調用一堆變量到函數中,但是numpy.nadarray錯誤一直在拋出。「numpy.ndarray is object is callable」error in initiated an function
def alpha(rotate_axis,angle):
rotate_axis = (input("What the is the axis of rotation? x1, x2 or x3 "))
angle = int(input("What is the angle of rotation in degrees?"))
#transforming deg -> rad
angle_r = radians(angle[0])
cos = np.cos(angle_r)
sin = np.sin(angle_r)
if rotate_axis == "x1":
rotation = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,cos,-sin],[0,sin,cos]])
elif rotate_axis == "x2":
rotation = np.array([[cos, 0, sin], [0, 1, 0], [-sin,0, cos]])
elif rotate_axis == "x3":
rotation = np.array([[cos, -sin, 0], [sin, cos, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
#print("Direction cosines:",rotation)
#producing alpha matrix
#decomposing rotation consines
a11 = rotation[0][0]
a12 = rotation[0][1]
a13 = rotation[0][2]
a21 = rotation[1][0]
a22 = rotation[1][1]
a23 = rotation[1][2]
a31 = rotation[2][0]
a32 = rotation[2][1]
a33 = rotation[2][2]
alpha = np.array([[ a11**2, a12**2, a13**2, 2*a12*a13, 2*a13*a11, 2*a11*a12],
[ a21**2, a22**2, a23**2, 2*a22*a23, 2*a23*a21, 2*a21*a22],
[ a31**2, a32**2, a33**2, 2*a32*a33, 2*a33*a31, 2*a31*a32],
[ a21*a31, a22*a32, a23*a33, a22*a33 + a23*a32, a21*a33 + a23*a31, a22*a31 + a21*a32],
[ a31*a11, a32*a12, a33*a13, a12*a33 + a13*a32, a13*a31 + a11*a33, a11*a32 + a12*a31],
[ a11*a21, a12*a22, a23*a33, a12*a23 + a13*a32, a13*a21 + a11*a23, a11*a22 + a12*a21],
return alpha
alpha_110 = alpha("x3",45)
也許你應該重命名你的返回變量'alpha'。 –
將'return'變量改爲除函數名外的其他內容。當你返回alpha時,你不一定會返回你用'alpha = np.array(...)'創建的'alpha'數組的值,你將返回你使用'def alpha()創建的函數。 ..):' –
@DanielF return語句與局部變量'alpha'處於相同的範圍。我真的不知道如何可以返回該功能。更不用說那個消息說'numpy.ndarray'不可調用。 –