2016-07-28 26 views




var postList = document.getElementsByClassName("post"); 
var userList = new Array(); 

//compares the user's keyword entries to the text in the divs, and marks "matching" divs with a red background 
function listComparison(collection, searchText) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) { 
     if (collection[i].innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText) > -1) { 
      collection[i].style.backgroundColor = "red"; 

//adds user entries to an array on click and clears out the textarea 
document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    var listEntry = document.getElementById("listEntries").value; 
    document.getElementById("listEntries").value = ""; 

//event listener for the button that runs the collectionContains function above 
document.getElementById("run").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    listComparison(postList, userList); 
div { 
    background: #d0dbe6; 
    margin: 5px; 
    width: 50%; 

#list { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 100px; 
<textarea placeholder="Enter words here one at a time and click 'Add to Filter'" id="listEntries"></textarea> 
<button id="save" for="listEntries">Add to Filter</button> 
<button id="run">Run Filter</button> 

<div class="post">religion</div> 
<div class="post">cats</div> 
<div class="post">hotdogs</div> 
<div class="post">babies</div> 
<div class="post">test me please</div> 
<div class="post">filler</div> 
<div class="post">lorem ipsum</div> 
<div class="post">your mom</div> 
<div class="post">religion again</div> 
<div class="post">build a wall</div> 
<div class="post">no it's becky</div> 
<div class="post">anything with religions in it is screwed!</div>






var postList = document.getElementsByClassName("post"); 
var userList = new Array(); 

//compares the user's keyword entries to the text in the divs, and marks "matching" divs with a red background 
function listComparison(collection, searchList) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < searchList.length; i++) { 
     for (var j = 0; j < collection.length; j++) { 
      if (collection[j].innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchList[i]) > -1) { 
       collection[j].style.backgroundColor = "red"; 

//adds user entries to an array on click and clears out the textarea 
document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    var listEntry = document.getElementById("listEntries").value; 
    document.getElementById("listEntries").value = ""; 

//event listener for the button that runs the collectionContains function above 
document.getElementById("run").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    listComparison(postList, userList); 
div { 
    background: #d0dbe6; 
    margin: 5px; 
    width: 50%; 

#list { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 100px; 
<textarea placeholder="Enter words here one at a time and click 'Add to Filter'" id="listEntries"></textarea> 
<button id="save" for="listEntries">Add to Filter</button> 
<button id="run">Run Filter</button> 

<div class="post">religion</div> 
<div class="post">cats</div> 
<div class="post">hotdogs</div> 
<div class="post">babies</div> 
<div class="post">test me please</div> 
<div class="post">filler</div> 
<div class="post">lorem ipsum</div> 
<div class="post">your mom</div> 
<div class="post">religion again</div> 
<div class="post">build a wall</div> 
<div class="post">no it's becky</div> 
<div class="post">anything with religions in it is screwed!</div>


謝謝!非常棘手的是有一個'String.prototype.indexOf()'和'Array.prototype.indexOf()';那與我頭腦混爲一談。我也不習慣在for循環內直接嵌套循環。 – TylerH


var userList = new Array(); 

//compares the user's keyword entries to the text in the divs, and marks "matching" divs with a red background 
function listComparison(collection, searchText) { 
    collection.filter(function(elem) { 
    return !!searchText.filter(function(text) { 
     return elem.innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(text) > -1; 
    }).forEach(function(elem) { 
    elem.style.backgroundColor = "red"; 

//adds user entries to an array on click and clears out the textarea 
document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    var listEntry = document.getElementById("listEntries"); 
    listEntry.value = ""; 

//event listener for the button that runs the collectionContains function above 
document.getElementById("run").addEventListener("click", function() { 
    var collection = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("post")); 
    listComparison(collection, userList); 
div { 
    background: #d0dbe6; 
    margin: 5px; 
    width: 50%; 
#list { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 100px; 
<textarea placeholder="Enter words here one at a time and click 'Add to Filter'" id="listEntries"></textarea> 
<button id="save" for="listEntries">Add to Filter</button> 
<button id="run">Run Filter</button> 

<div class="post">religion</div> 
<div class="post">cats</div> 
<div class="post">hotdogs</div> 
<div class="post">babies</div> 
<div class="post">test me please</div> 
<div class="post">filler</div> 
<div class="post">lorem ipsum</div> 
<div class="post">your mom</div> 
<div class="post">religion again</div> 
<div class="post">build a wall</div> 
<div class="post">no it's becky</div> 
<div class="post">anything with religions in it is screwed!</div>


該方法引入了一些迴歸我現有的功能,因爲它不再將匹配應用於字符串的所有實例,但只有第一個(例如,在示例中向列表中添加「宗教」不再突出顯示所有條目與他們的「宗教」)。 +1雖然,技術上解決了我的多值數組無法正常工作的問題。 – TylerH


翻轉這種情況的問題是搜索部分關鍵字不再有效。例如,輸入「狗」不符合「熱狗」,因爲後者不可能出現在前者中。這取決於提問者的要求,可能會也可能不是問題,但我高度懷疑提問者希望用戶輸入「任何帶有宗教信仰的東西都被搞砸了!」只是爲了匹配最後一個項目。 – BoltClock


是的,如果你需要部分匹配,你需要檢查每一個字符串,我只是修改了一些代碼(使用更多功能的方法 - 避免循環內的循環,以及一般循環)。最好將DOM節點列表轉換爲真實數組。 此外,如果有新的elem添加它也會被過濾,並且您將會減少一個全局變量,您也可以在每次點擊中獲得收集。 – cstuncsik