測試預訂座位時發生以下警告和錯誤。 創建乘客姓名記錄REST API呼叫沒有任何適當的文檔,description和schema含義較少。在描述中,有266個參數需要發送請求。REST API'創建乘客姓名記錄'警告和錯誤
工作流程(單程): 1-獲取所需座位的來源,目的地,日期和數量。
2-將所有需要的參數發送給Bargain Finder Max,獲取響應 3-發送要求參數以預訂座位。創建乘客姓名記錄
請求 { "CreatePassengerNameRecordRQ": { "targetCity": "3QND", "Profile": { "UniqueID": { "ID": "ABCD1EF" } }, "AirBook": { "OriginDestinationInformation": { "FlightSegment": [{ "ArrivalDateTime": "2017-04-30", "DepartureDateTime": "2017-04-30T13:55", "FlightNumber": "309", "NumberInParty": "1", "ResBookDesigCode": "V", "Status": "NN", "DestinationLocation": { "LocationCode": "KHI" }, "MarketingAirline": { "Code": "PK", "FlightNumber": "309" }, "MarriageGrp": "O", "OriginLocation": { "LocationCode": "ISB" } }] } }, "AirPrice": { "PriceRequestInformation": { "OptionalQualifiers": { "MiscQualifiers": { "TourCode": { "Text": "TEST1212" } }, "PricingQualifiers": { "PassengerType": [{ "Code": "CNN", "Quantity": "1" }] } } } }, "MiscSegment": { "DepartureDateTime": "2017-04-30", "NumberInParty": 1, "Status": "NN", "Type": "OTH", "OriginLocation": { "LocationCode": "ISB" }, "Text": "TEST", "VendorPrefs": { "Airline": { "Code": "PK" } } }, "SpecialReqDetails": { "AddRemark": { "RemarkInfo": { "FOP_Remark": { "Type": "CHECK", "CC_Info": { "Suppress": true, "PaymentCard": { "AirlineCode": "PK", "CardSecurityCode": "1234", "Code": "VI", "ExpireDate": "2012-12", "ExtendedPayment": "12", "ManualApprovalCode": "123456", "Number": "4123412341234123", "SuppressApprovalCode": true } } }, "FutureQueuePlaceRemark": { "Date": "12-21", "PrefatoryInstructionCode": "11", "PseudoCityCode": "IPCC1", "QueueIdentifier": "499", "Time": "06:00" }, "Remark": [{ "Type": "Historical", "Text": "TEST HISTORICAL REMARK" }, { "Type": "Invoice", "Text": "TEST INVOICE REMARK" }, { "Type": "Itinerary", "Text": "TEST ITINERARY REMARK" }, { "Type": "Hidden", "Text": "TEST HIDDEN REMARK" }] } }, "AirSeat": { "Seats": { "Seat": [{ "NameNumber": "1.1", "Preference": "AN", "SegmentNumber": "0" }, { "NameNumber": "2.1", "Preference": "AN", "SegmentNumber": "1" }, { "NameNumber": "3.1", "Preference": "AN", "SegmentNumber": "1" }] } }, "SpecialService": { "SpecialServiceInfo": { "Service": [{ "SSR_Code": "OSI", "PersonName": { "NameNumber": "testing" #}, "Text": "TEST1", "VendorPrefs": { "Airline": { "Code": "PK" } } }] } } }, "PostProcessing": { "RedisplayReservation": true, "ARUNK": "", "QueuePlace": { "QueueInfo": { "QueueIdentifier": [{ "Number": "100", "PrefatoryInstructionCode": "11" }] } }, "EndTransaction": { "Source": { "ReceivedFrom": "SWS TEST" } } } } }
響應: { "CreatePassengerNameRecordRS": { "ApplicationResults": { "status": "NotProcessed", "Error": [ { "type": "Application", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.317-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "ERR.SP.BUSINESS_ERROR", "content": "PNR has not been created successfully, see remaining messages for details" } ] } ] } ], "Warning": [ { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:40.628-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SP.PROVIDER_ERROR", "content": "NO PROFILE FOUND FOR NAME" } ] } ] }, { "type": "Validation", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:40.655-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.CLIENT.VALIDATION_FAILED", "content": "Request contains incorrect values: Wrong dateTime format" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:40.919-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "FORMAT, CHECK SEGMENT NUMBER-0003" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.024-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": ".DTE.NOT ENT BGNG WITH" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.062-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "\u0087ND NAMES\u0087" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.096-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "\u0087ND NAMES\u0087" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.129-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "\u0087ND NAMES\u0087" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.166-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "NO ARNK INSERTED" } ] } ] }, { "type": "BusinessLogic", "timeStamp": "2017-03-08T04:10:41.229-06:00", "SystemSpecificResults": [ { "Message": [ { "code": "WARN.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE", "content": "NEED PHONE FIELD - USE 9" } ] } ] } ] }, "TravelItineraryRead": { "TravelItinerary": { "CustomerInfo": { }, "ItineraryInfo": { "ReservationItems": { "Item": [ { "RPH": "1", "MiscSegment": { "DayOfWeekInd": "7", "DepartureDateTime": "04-30", "NumberInParty": "01", "SegmentNumber": "0001", "Status": "NN", "Type": "OTH", "IsPast": false, "OriginLocation": { "LocationCode": "ISB" }, "Text": [ "TEST" ], "Vendor": { "Code": "PK" } } } ] } }, "ItineraryRef": { "AirExtras": false, "InhibitCode": "U", "PartitionID": "AA", "PrimeHostID": "1B", "Header": [ "CURRENTLY DISPLAYING A PNR OWNED BY THE SABRE PRIME HOST", "RULES AND FUNCTIONALITY FOR THAT PRIME HOST WILL APPLY" ], "Source": { "PseudoCityCode": "3QND", "ReceivedFrom": "SWS TEST" } }, "SpecialServiceInfo": [ { "RPH": "001", "Type": "GFX", "Service": { "SSR_Code": "OSI", "Airline": { "Code": "PK" }, "Text": [ "TEST1-TESTING" ] } } ] } } }, "Links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "https:\/\/\/v1.0.0\/passenger\/records?mode=create" }, { "rel": "linkTemplate", "href": "https:\/\/\/\/passenger\/records?mode=" } ] }
哪些誤區或者您收到的警告? –
「代碼」:「ERR.SP.BUSINESS_ERROR」, 「內容」:「PNR尚未成功創建,請參閱剩餘消息以獲取詳細信息」。有關詳細警告和錯誤,請參閱上述響應數組。 –