2015-06-08 74 views

任何人都可以很好地解決以下任務嗎?iOS CGRect在另一個CGRect




你試圖寫這樣的功能爲你自己,也許? – holex


你指的是什麼抵消?重疊?在x?在y?同時? – luk2302


沒有@holex,因爲我期待這是一個讓人們更容易工作的社區。我會寫解決方案並將其發佈給其他用戶。祝你有美好的一天:) –




// Returns how much is the rect outside of the view, 0 if inside 
func isRectVisibleInView(rect: CGRect, inRect: CGRect) -> CGPoint { 
    var offset = CGPoint() 

    if CGRectContainsRect(inRect, rect) { 
     return CGPointMake(0, 0) 

    if rect.origin.x < inRect.origin.x { 
     // It's out to the left 
     offset.x = inRect.origin.x - rect.origin.x 
    } else if (rect.origin.x + rect.width) > (inRect.origin.x + inRect.width) { 
     // It's out to the right 
     offset.x = (rect.origin.x + rect.width) - (inRect.origin.x + inRect.width) 

    if rect.origin.y < inRect.origin.y { 
     // It's out to the top 
     offset.y = inRect.origin.y - rect.origin.y 
    } else if rect.origin.y + rect.height > inRect.origin.y + inRect.height { 
     // It's out to the bottom 
     offset.y = (rect.origin.y + rect.height) - inRect.origin.y + inRect.height 

    return offset 


// Returns how much is the rect outside of the view, 0 if inside 
func isRectVisibleInView(rect: CGRect, inRect: CGRect) -> CGPoint { 
    var offset = CGPoint() 

    if CGRectContainsRect(inRect, rect) { 
     return CGPointMake(0, 0) 

    if rect.origin.x < inRect.origin.x { 
     // It's out to the left 
     offset.x = inRect.origin.x - rect.origin.x 
    } else if (rect.origin.x + rect.width) > (inRect.origin.x + inRect.width) { 
     // It's out to the right 
     offset.x = (rect.origin.x + rect.width) - (inRect.origin.x + inRect.width) 

    if rect.origin.y < inRect.origin.y { 
     // It's out to the top 
     offset.y = inRect.origin.y - rect.origin.y 
    } else if rect.origin.y + rect.height > inRect.origin.y + inRect.height { 
     // It's out to the bottom 
     offset.y = (rect.origin.y + rect.height) - inRect.origin.y + inRect.height 

    return offset 

我的意思是這個功能 –


感謝您的回答,但它似乎有bug旁邊的評論*//它已經出現在底部 。需要offset.y =(self.origin.y + self.height) - (inRect.origin.y + inRect.height) –



CGRectContainsRect(CGRect rect1, CGRect rect2) 



這隻能回答問題的一半。 – rmaddy


是的,但它有助於解決問題:P –


+1對於像我這樣需要知道這種方法存在的人:)。我需要布爾,而不是像這樣的點。 – MQoder


真的嗎? OK ......這就是:

+ (CGPoint) isRect:(CGRect)inRect1 inRect:(CGRect)inRect2 
    CGPoint offsetPoint = {0, 0}; 
    if (!CGRectContainsRect(inRect1, inRect2)) { 
     offsetPoint.x = inRect1.origin.x - inRect2.origin.x; 
     offsetPoint.y = inRect1.origin.y - inRect2.origin.y; 

    return offsetPoint; 

這只是檢查原點,不計算高度,寬度。我會很快發佈我的解決方案。 –


他沒有要求:「返回一個CGPoint,如果它不在容器矩形內,則返回偏移量,如果它在內部,則返回0,0。」 – cbiggin



CGPoint isRectVisibleInView(CGRect rect, CGRect inRect) { 
     var offset = new CGPoint(); 

     if (inRect.Contains(rect)) { 
      return new CGPoint (0, 0); 

     if (rect.X < inRect.X) { 
      // It's out to the left 
      offset.X = inRect.X - rect.X; 
     } else if (rect.GetMaxX() > inRect.GetMaxX()) { 
      // It's out to the right 
      offset.X = rect.GetMaxX() - inRect.GetMaxX(); 

     if (rect.Y < inRect.Y) { 
      // It's out to the top 
      offset.Y = inRect.Y - rect.Y; 
     } else if (rect.GetMaxY() > inRect.GetMaxY()) { 
      // It's out to the bottom 
      offset.Y = rect.GetMaxY() - inRect.GetMaxY(); 

     return offset; 


簡單使用let boolValue = tableView.bounds.contains(cellRect)

// CoreGraphics在基於模塊

@available(iOS 2.0, *) 
public func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool 

@available(iOS 2.0, *) 
public func contains(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool