當我嘗試編譯自帶的犰狳2.4.2 example1.cpp,我不斷收到以下錯誤鏈接:Armadillo + BLAS + LAPACK:鏈接錯誤?
/tmp/ccbnLbA0.o: In function `double arma::blas::dot<double>(unsigned int, double const*, double const*)':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4blas3dotIdEET_jPKS2_S4_[double arma::blas::dot<double>(unsigned int, double const*, double const*)]+0x3b): undefined reference to `wrapper_ddot_'
/tmp/ccbnLbA0.o: In function `void arma::blas::gemv<double>(char const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4blas4gemvIdEEvPKcPKiS5_PKT_S8_S5_S8_S5_S8_PS6_S5_[void arma::blas::gemv<double>(char const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)]+0x68): undefined reference to `wrapper_dgemv_'
/tmp/ccbnLbA0.o: In function `void arma::blas::gemm<double>(char const*, char const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4blas4gemmIdEEvPKcS3_PKiS5_S5_PKT_S8_S5_S8_S5_S8_PS6_S5_[void arma::blas::gemm<double>(char const*, char const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)]+0x7a): undefined reference to `wrapper_dgemm_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
- BLAS的最新版本
- LAPACK-3.4.0
- 升壓1.48.0
- 最新版本ATLAS 的
我使用Ubuntu 11.04上MacBook Pro 7,1型號
看起來你的Armadillo配置不正確,或者編譯字符串中沒有提到需要的庫。你可以顯示,你如何編譯example1.cpp – osgx