我正在使用jquery「.load」functin延遲圖片的「淡入」,直到它們被加載。 但是,它在所有瀏覽器中都能正常工作,只是IE正在製造麻煩 - 它是緩存......到目前爲止,我理解了這個問題......但是如何解決它?有沒有解決這個問題的插件?jQuery的.load函數,在IE中緩存失敗
// this is the user thumbnail, which will be loaded from the database, with a random number as filename.
if (thumb_medium == '1') {
// create picture link.
var pic = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000000));
var image_link = "image/image_show.php?id=" + id + "&element=image_profile_thumb_medium" + "&pic=" + pic + '.jpg';
// write the picture link to the src attr.
$('#brpr_list_thumb_' + tuple).attr('src', image_link);
else {
// male image - if there is no user picture in the database.
if (gender == 'male') { var image_link = "pic/icons/male_128_128.png" };
// female image - if there is no user picture in the database.
if (gender == 'female') { var image_link = "pic/icons/female_128_128.png" };
// write the link to the src attr.
$('#brpr_list_thumb_' + tuple).attr('src', image_link);
// when the loading process of the picture is finished a fadeIn happens - this makes problems in IE, but just with the male and female image, which get cached from IE.
$('#brpr_list_thumb_' + tuple).load(function() { $('#brpr_list_thumb_' + tuple).fadeIn(250) });
那是我thaught太 - 而事實上,我解決這個問題,我從數據庫中加載的圖像這樣......但我怎麼可以添加時間戳此鏈接PIC /圖標/ male_128_128添加一些東西到這個鏈接會導致一個不存在的圖像?!或者我明白這是完全錯誤的 – Andreas 2012-01-16 18:16:09
在我的回答中查看我已經將時間戳添加到您所指的圖像上,並且沒有任何問題,它將正常工作。 – ShankarSangoli 2012-01-16 18:35:02