2016-06-22 49 views

軟件:MS Visual Studio Shell 2013SSRS 2013熱圖




public const ColorScaleRed = "#FF0000" 
public const ColorScalePink= "#ff6666" 

public function ColorScaleWPR(value, minValue, maxValue) as string 

    ColorScaleWPR = ColorScale3(value, _ 
     minValue, "White", _ 
     ColorScalePink, _ 
     maxValue, ColorScaleRed) 

end function 

public function ColorScale3(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, midColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string) as string 

    ' Use average of minValue and maxValue as midValue 
    dim midValue as object 
    if IsNumeric(minValue) and IsNumeric(maxValue) then 
     midValue = (CDbl(minValue) + CDbl(maxValue))/2 
    end if 

    ColorScale3 = ColorScale3(value, _ 
     minValue, minColor, _ 
     midValue, midColor, _ 
     maxValue, maxColor) 

end function 

public function ColorScale3(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, midValue as object, midColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string) as string 

    if IsNumeric(value) and IsNumeric(midValue) and CDbl(value) < CDbl(midValue) then 
     ColorScale3 = ColorScale(value, minValue, minColor, midValue, midColor) 
     ColorScale3 = ColorScale(value, midValue, midColor, maxValue, maxColor) 
    end if 

end function 

public function ColorScale(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string, optional errorColor as string = "Transparent") as string 

    ColorScale = errorColor 

    if not IsNumeric(value) or not IsNumeric(minValue) or not IsNumeric(maxValue) then 
     exit function 
    end if 

    ' Do all calculations using doubles (can't mix doubles and decimals) 
    value = CDbl(value) 
    minValue = CDbl(minValue) 
    maxValue = CDbl(maxValue) 

    if minValue >= maxValue then 
     exit function 
    end if 

    if value <= minValue then 
     ColorScale = minColor 
     exit function 
    end if 
    if value >= maxValue then 
     ColorScale = maxColor 
     exit function 
    end if 

    dim scaleValue, r, g, b as double 
    dim minRGB, minR, minG, minB as integer 
    dim maxRGB, maxR, maxG, maxB as integer 

    scaleValue = (value - minValue)/(maxValue - minValue) 

    minRGB = GetRGB(minColor) 
    minR = minRGB/2^16 
    minG = (minRGB mod 2^16)/2^8 
    minB = minRGB mod 2^8 

    maxRGB = GetRGB(maxColor) 
    maxR = maxRGB/2^16 
    maxG = (maxRGB mod 2^16)/2^8 
    maxB = maxRGB mod 2^8 

    r = minR + ((maxR - minR) * scaleValue) 
    g = minG + ((maxG - minG) * scaleValue) 
    b = minB + ((maxB - minB) * scaleValue) 

    ColorScale = string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", _ 
     CInt(Math.Floor(r)), _ 
     CInt(Math.Floor(g)), _ 

end function 

private function GetRGB(colorStr as string) as integer 

    GetRGB = 0 

    if colorStr.StartsWith("#") then 
     GetRGB = Int32.Parse(colorStr.Substring(1), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) 
     exit function 
    end if 

    dim c as System.Drawing.Color 
    c = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(colorStr) 

    GetRGB = (c.R * 2^16) + (c.G * 2^8) + c.B 

end function 






=Code.ColorScaleWPR(Count(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value), Min(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value,"DataSet1"), Max(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value,"DataSet1")) 


任何建議,使其動態將是很棒的。 謝謝!



我不認爲RS能夠預先計算所有分組,然後從它們中找出最小/最大值來應用色階。 要嘗試的最佳方法是將每個組的最小值和最大值計算爲來自原始數據集查詢的單獨數據集。然後使用表達式根據匹配的組標準提取所需的值。我會去那個方向...... PS。我沒有足夠的時間讓這個野獸在我的情況下活着,當我在旋轉矩陣組合上使用色階時::)