我正在開發一個基於模板的Java類實現各種樹結構(如標準二叉樹,紅黑樹或B樹)。我的想法是讓它像Java Collections中的各種列表一樣完成。這是一個接口類,然後由指定的樹進行擴展。不過,我打了一個奇怪的問題,在牆上:擴展類似的通用
BSTree.java:12: error: BSTree is not abstract and does not override abstract method search(Comparable) in Tree
public class BSTree<T extends Comparable<T>> extends Tree {
BSTree.java:20: error: name clash: add(T#1) in BSTree and add(T#2) in Tree have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
public void add(T key) throws NullPointerException {
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Comparable<T#2> declared in class Tree
BSTree.java:28: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == -1) {
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:42: error: name clash: remove(T#1) in BSTree and remove(T#2) in Tree have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
public void remove(T key) throws NullPointerException, TreeException {
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Comparable<T#2> declared in class Tree
BSTree.java:49: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == 0) {
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:81: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
else if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) < 0) ptr = ptr.left;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:89: error: name clash: search(T#1) in BSTree and search(T#2) in Tree have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
public Node<T> search(T key) throws NullPointerException, KeyNotStoredException {
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Comparable<T#2> declared in class Tree
BSTree.java:94: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == 0) return ptr;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:95: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
else if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) < 0) ptr = ptr.left;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
class Node<T extends Comparable<T>> {
protected T key;
protected Node parent, left, right;
public Node(T key, Node parent) {
this.key = key;
this.parent = parent;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
public abstract class Tree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
protected Node<T> root;
protected Integer nodesCount;
public abstract void add(T key) throws NullPointerException;
public abstract void remove(T key) throws NullPointerException, TreeException;
public abstract Node<T> search(T key) throws NullPointerException, KeyNotStoredException;
public class BSTree<T extends Comparable<T>> extends Tree {
public BSTree() {
root = null;
nodesCount = new Integer(0);
public void add(T key) throws NullPointerException {
if (root == null) root = new Node<T>(key, null);
else {
boolean left = false;
Node ptr = root, parent = ptr.parent;
while (ptr != null) {
parent = ptr;
left = false;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == -1) {
ptr = ptr.left;
left = true;
} else ptr = ptr.right;
if (left) parent.left = new Node<T>(key, parent);
else parent.right = new Node<T>(key, parent);
public void remove(T key) throws NullPointerException, TreeException {
/* implementation */
public Node<T> search(T key) throws NullPointerException, KeyNotStoredException {
/* implementation */
編輯: 感謝您的諮詢件我能將錯誤數量減少到5.這裏是: 的javac -d ../bin *的.java
BSTree.java:28: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == -1) {
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:49: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == 0) {
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:81: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
else if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) < 0) ptr = ptr.left;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:94: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) == 0) return ptr;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
BSTree.java:95: error: method compareTo in interface Comparable<T#2> cannot be applied to given types;
else if (key.compareTo(ptr.key) < 0) ptr = ptr.left;
required: T#1
found: Comparable
reason: actual argument Comparable cannot be converted to T#1 by method invocation conversion
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in class BSTree
T#2 extends Object declared in interface Comparable
您可能需要擴展'Tree',而不是'Tree' ... –
您使用新的錯誤消息編輯沒有匹配的代碼,所以很難說,但它看起來像'ptr'仍然被聲明爲'Node'而不是'Node'。 –