name = raw_input("What is your name adventurer? ")
where = raw_input("You are in a magical forest, you can go North or East, which
way do you go?")
if where.lower() == "north":
troll = raw_input("You encounter a troll, what do you do? Attack or flee? ")
print("You encounter a dragon, you are dead, GAME OVER")
if troll.lower() == "attack":
print ("You have no weapon, that was a bad choice, you are dead, GAME OVER")
flee = raw_input("You flee further North, you encounter a village, do you
enter or continue? ")
if flee.lower() == "enter":
army = raw_input("As you enter the village, a knight hands you a sword,
assuming you are there to join the army. Join him or leave the village? ")
print ("You ignore the village and continue down the road.") #jump from here
if army.lower() == "join":
print ("You head off to war and are killed almost instantly because you are an
untrained fool")
print ("You are kicked out of the village")
dark = raw_input("It is getting dark, do you continue or seek shelter") #to here
if dark.lower() == "continue":
print ("You are attacked by vampires and killed, GAME OVER")
caves = raw_input("You find two caves, do you pick cave one which is pitch
black, or two which has light coming from it? ")
if caves.lower() == "one":
print ("You enter the cave, light a small fire, and sleep for the night.")
print ("You enter the cave, there are bandits inside, you are murdered, GAME OVER")
請[edit](http://stackoverflow.com/posts/33811111/edit)你的問題和[格式化代碼](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251362/1555990)。 – That1Guy
FWIW,格式化的部分原因是我們可以將您的完整代碼剪切並粘貼到編輯器中並自行運行。 –