編輯:問題解決!我在加載之前修改了頁面,所以腳本實際上沒有做任何事情。我現在修好了它,它工作。感謝您的幫助,我將不得不將這一個粉筆寫成jQuery的新手,這很奇怪。動態添加數組內容作爲新元素 - jQuery
var newsTitles = ["If It Ain't Broke, Fix It Anyways"];
var newsPics = ["images/thumbnail_small.png"];
var newsDescs = ["August 14th 2015<br/><b>If It Ain't Broke</b><br/>Author: Gill Yurick<br/><br/> Sometimes, a solution isn't the only one. So how do we justify changes to systems that don't need to be fixed or changed? I explore various systems from other successful card games and how their approaches to issues (be they successes or failures in the eyes of the deisgners) can help us create EC."];
var newsLinks = ["it_aint_broke-gill_popson.html"];
var newsIndex = 0;
var newsMax = 1;
<td style="height:500px;width:480px;background-color:#FFF7D7;padding:20px" colspan=2 id="article">
<!-- the column for each news peice add an element with the thumbnail, the title and teh desc -->
for(i = 0; i < newsMax; i++) {
$("#articleList").append("<h3 href="" newsLinks[i] + "">" + newsTitles[i] + "</h3>", "<img src=""newsPics[i] + "">","<p>" + newsDesc[i] + "</p>",); $("div").append("hello");
<div id="articleList">
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@ParthTrivedi否,這是無效的使用'"e;' – charlietfl