2014-04-15 50 views

我需要你的幫助!我正試圖讓這個程序能夠解決註釋塊中的難題!程序,切換燈? C++


// Purpose: This program solves the following puzzle outlined in 
//   the following steps: 
//   1. Start with a long hallway full of lights that are 
//    each controlled by respective toggle switches. 
//   2. All lights are initially off. 
//   3. Start at the *first* light and run to the end of the 
//    hallway toggling *every* light. 
//   4. Start at the *second* light and run to the end of the 
//    hallway toggling every *second* light. 
//   5. Start at the *third* light and run to the end of the 
//    hallway toggling every *third* light. 
//    . 
//    . 
//    . 
//   6. Toggle the *last* light. 
//   7. Which lights are on, and which lights are off? You 
//    might be able to spot a mathematical pattern! 
//   We will use a Light class and a Hallway class to model 
//   the solution to this puzzle. The latter will contain an 
//   array of the former. 
// Input: The number of lights in the hallway as an integer read 
//   in from the standard input stream. BE CAREFUL! The 
//   bigger the number you enter (i.e., the longer the 
//   hallway), the slower your program will run (why?). 
// Output: The status of all of the lights in a hallway (on or off). 

#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

const int MAX_LIGHTS = 1000; 

void TurnOff(); 

// A simple class to model the behavior of a light bulb with a toggle 
// switch. 
class Light 
    bool isOn; 


    // Default constructor. Creates a new light that is initially off. 
    // Params: (none) 
     isOn = false; 

    // Returns true if the light is on and false otherwise. 
    // Params: (none) 
    bool IsOn() const 
     return isOn == true; 

    // Turns the light off! 
    // Params: (none) 
    void TurnOff() 
     isOn != true; 

    // Turns the light on! 
    // Params: (none) 
    void TurnOn() 
     isOn = true; 

    // This function toggles the light from on to off and likewise 
    // on to off. 
    // Params: (none) 
    void Toggle() 

     if (IsOn()) 


    // Outputs a minimal textual representation of the light to the 
    // standard output. 
    // Params: (none) 
    void Write() const 
     if (IsOn()) 
     cout << "on"; 
     cout << "off"; 

// A simple class to model a long hallway full of lights having toggle 
// switches. 
class Hallway 

    int numLights; 
    Light lights[MAX_LIGHTS]; 


    // Default constructor. 
    // Params: (none) 
     numLights = 0; 

    // This function models the actions of a person starting at the 
    // k-th light in the hallway and running to the end of the hallway 
    // toggling every k-th light along the way. It is very important 
    // that the loop-control variable i be initialized to k - 1! 
    // Valid range for k: 1 <= k <= numLights. 
    // Params: (in) 
    void ToggleEveryKthLight(int k) 

     for (int i = k - 1; i < numLights; i += k) 

    // Reads in a hallway from the standard input. All of the lights 
    // in the hallway are initially in the off state. 
    // Params: (none) 
    void Read() 
     cin >> numLights; 

     for (int i; i < numLights; i++) 


    // Displays the status of all of the lights in the hallway in a big 
    // list. 
    // Params: (none) 
    void Write() const 

     for (int i=0 ; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++) 


int main() 

    int hallway; 

    cin >> hallway; 

    // This is the loop that runs through all of the steps as outlined 
    // in the comment block at the top of this file. Start by toggling 
    // every light, then every other light, then every third light, etc. 
    for (int k = 1; k <= MAX_LIGHTS; k++) 

     hallway = MAX_LIGHTS; 


    // Displaying the hallway. 

    return 0; 

'TurnOff'函數應該將'isOn'設置爲'false'。 –




void TurnOff() 
    isOn = false; 


void Toggle() 
    isOn = ! isOn; 


for(int i=0; ...