2015-10-05 55 views


public static void areaTriangle(int base, int height) 
    System.out.println(0.5 * base * height); 

public static void areaCircle(int radius, double area) 
    area = Math.PI * (radius * radius); 

public static void areaRectangle(int length, int width) 
    System.out.println(length * width); 

public static void calcArea() 
    System.out.println("What type of area do you want to calculate?"); 
    inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type 1 for triangle, 2 for circle, 3 for rectangle, and 0 for none, then press ENTER."); 
    int type = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 

    if (type == 0) 

    else if (type == 1) 
     inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the measurement of the base, then press ENTER."); 
     int base = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 
     inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the measurement of the height, then press ENTER."); 
     int height = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 
     int areaT = areaTriangle (base, height); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area of the triangle is: " + areaT); 

    else if (type == 2) 
     inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the measurement of the radius, then press ENTER."); 
     int radius = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 
     double area = Math.PI * (radius * radius); 
     int areaC = areaCircle (radius, area); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area of the cicle is: " + areaC); 

    else if (type == 3) 
     inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the measurement of the length, then press ENTER."); 
     int length = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 
     inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the measurement of the width, then press ENTER."); 
     int width = Integer.parseInt(inputStr); 
     int areaR = areaRectangle(length, width); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area of the rectangle is: " + areaR); 


public static void main(String[] args) 

請詳細說明問題的具體位置。看看你的代碼,當你做「int areaT = areaTriangle(base,height);因爲您將該方法的返回類型定義爲void,並嘗試將其分配給一個整數。 – bgse




首先聲明所有的方法爲void ...

public static void areaTriangle(int base, int height) { 
    System.out.println(0.5 * base * height); 

public static void areaCircle(int radius, double area) { 
    area = Math.PI * (radius * radius); 

public static void areaRectangle(int length, int width) { 
    System.out.println(length * width); 


int areaT = areaTriangle(base, height); 
int areaC = areaCircle(radius, area); 
int areaR = areaRectangle(length, width); 



public static double areaTriangle(int base, int height) { 
    return 0.5 * base * height; 

public static double areaCircle(int radius, double area) { 
    return Math.PI * (radius * radius); 

public static int areaRectangle(int length, int width) { 
    return length * width; 


double areaT = areaTriangle(base, height); 
double areaC = areaCircle(radius, area); 
int areaR = areaRectangle(length, width); 

非常感謝! :) –
