2016-11-19 48 views


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\t $(document).ready(function(){ 
\t  $("#showrightcornerbumper").click(function(){ 
\t   $("#first").toggle(); 
\t  }); 
\t }); 
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\t  $("#showleftcornerbumper").click(function(){ 
\t   $("#second").toggle(); 
\t  }); 
\t }); 
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\t $(document).ready(function(){ 
\t  $("#backbumper").click(function(){ 
\t   $("#third").toggle(); 
\t  }); 
\t }); 
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\t  $("#boot").click(function(){ 
\t   $("#fourth").toggle(); 
\t  }); 
\t }); 
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\t  $("#leftrearquaterpanel").click(function(){ 
\t   $("#fifth").toggle(); 
\t  }); 
\t }); 
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\t <script> 
\t \t $(function() { 
\t \t  $("#showleftcornerbumper").on("click", function() { 
\t \t   var text = $("#text"); 
\t \t   text.val(text.val() + " an estimate for this type of repair would be €200");  
\t \t  }); 
\t \t }); 
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<img src="images/car.png" usemap="#carmap"> 

\t <map name="carmap"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="30,282,50,302" id="showleftcornerbumper" href="#" alt="Left corner bumper" alt="Left Corner Bumper"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="230,282,247,300" id="showrightcornerbumper" href="#" alt="Right Corner Bumper"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="91,301,187,306" id="backbumper" href="#" alt="Back Bumper"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="93,267,187,297" id="boot" href="#" alt="Boot"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="53,250,76,297" id="leftrearquaterpanel" href="#" alt="Left rear quater panel"> 
\t \t <area shape="rect" coords="202,251,226,299" id="rightrearquaterpanel" href="#" alt="Right rear quater panel"> 
\t </map> 

\t <p id="first" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €200.</p> 
\t <p id="second" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €300.</p> 
\t <p id="third" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €300.</p> 
\t <p id="fourth" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €300.</p> 
\t <p id="fifth" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €300.</p> 
\t <p id="sixth" style="display:none;">The cost of this repair is €300.</p> 

<form action="action_page.php"> 
\t First name:<br> 
\t <input type="text" value=""> 
\t <br> 
\t Email:<br> 
\t <input type="Email" name="lastname" value="" id="email"> 
\t <br> 
\t Quote:<br> 
\t <input type="text" value="Thank you for your interest in Smart Repair" id="text" size="100" /> 
\t <br /> 
\t <input type="button" value="Click Me" id="button" /> 



可以用圖像映射和maphighlighter插件相當容易地做到這一點,或轉換爲svg。谷歌搜索應該能夠產生各種方法 – charlietfl


嗨!請用代碼exmaples提問 – elicohenator


一個好方法是使用SVG並使用jQuery隨時修改它 – Qrchack



首先,你自己承擔的任務非常複雜 - 包含的站點使用SVG圖像&使用javascript創建動畫以創建報價。



恕我直言,嘗試汽車的圖像分割到不同圖像/地區,不是建立一個形式從一些數據屬性jQuery的取值 - 比繼續用它來給基於某些計算器報價。


我已經嘗試了影像地圖,但即時通訊越來越困惑,我不希望創建一個鏈接鏈接出來,我只是想高光區域第一,如果我可以獨立選擇汽車的不同部位我會很樂意 – Eoin


@Eoin您包含的網站使用SVG,這就是懸停/高光選項在這裏工作的方式。我不認爲你可以用圖像地圖來操作現有的圖像。你有沒有嘗試過使用SVG? – elicohenator


例如,如果我將該圖像保存爲SVG文件,我是否可以使用圖像映射來繪製輪廓圖,或者我完全沒有意見了。 – Eoin



// Creates canvas 320 × 200 at 10, 50 
var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200); 

// Creates circle at x = 50, y = 40, with radius 10 
var circle = paper.circle(50, 40, 10); 
// Sets the fill attribute of the circle to red (#f00) 
circle.attr("fill", "#f00"); 

// Sets the stroke attribute of the circle to white 
circle.attr("stroke", "#fff"); 

一看這個,不明白,所以我映射的座標和使用jQuery來顯示一個段落,我試圖讓jQuery來串插入到一個輸入字段,但切換功能似乎並沒有工作,它是刪除整個字段而不是文本。 – Eoin
