2014-03-04 65 views




$ git clone https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit


$ cd phpunit


$ ant -p


Buildfile: /private/tmp/phpunit/build.xml 

Main targets: 

clean  Cleanup build artifacts 
composer Install dependencies with Composer 
pdepend  Calculate software metrics using PHP_Depend 
pear  Create PEAR package of PHPUnit and all its dependencies (release) 
phar  Create PHAR archive of PHPUnit and all its dependencies (release) 
phar-alpha Create PHAR archive of PHPUnit and all its dependencies (alpha) 
phar-beta Create PHAR archive of PHPUnit and all its dependencies (beta) 
phpab  Generate autoloader script 
phpcpd  Find duplicate code using PHPCPD 
phpcs  Find coding standard violations using PHP_CodeSniffer 
phpcs-ci Find coding standard violations using PHP_CodeSniffer 
phpdox  Generate software project documentation using phpDox 
phploc  Measure project size using PHPLOC 
phpmd  Perform project mess detection using PHPMD 
phpmd-ci Perform project mess detection using PHPMD 
phpunit  Run unit tests with PHPUnit 
prepare  Prepare for build 

Default target: build 

剩下的就是簡單 - 只需鍵入

$ ant phar
