typedef union
uint8_t bit0 : 1;
uint8_t bit1 : 1;
uint8_t bit2 : 1;
uint8_t bit3 : 1;
uint8_t bit4 : 1;
uint8_t bit5 : 1;
uint8_t bit6 : 1;
uint8_t bit7 : 1;
uint8_t raw;
} Bitfield;
#define xstr(r,c,b) str(r,c,b)
#define str(r,c,b) (x[r][c].bit##b)
#define getBit(bitCollum,row)(xstr(row,(bitCollum/8),(bitCollum%8))
當我嘗試使用像uint8_t a = getBit(15,2);
uint8_t a = ((img [ 2 ] [ (15/8) ] . bit 15 % 8));
uint8_t a = ((img [ 2 ] [ (15/8) ] . bit7));
` x.raw = 0b10101001;
00000040 LDI R24,0xA9 Load immediate
00000041 STD Y+8,R24 Store indirect with displacement
uint8_t y = 0b10101001;
00000042 LDI R24,0xA9 Load immediate
00000043 STD Y+1,R24 Store indirect with displacement
uint16_t xSum=0;
00000044 STD Y+3,R1 Store indirect with displacement
00000045 STD Y+2,R1 Store indirect with displacement
uint16_t ySum=0;
00000046 STD Y+5,R1 Store indirect with displacement
00000047 STD Y+4,R1 Store indirect with displacement
00000048 LDD R24,Y+8 Load indirect with displacement
00000049 BST R24,3 Bit store from register to T
0000004A CLR R24 Clear Register
0000004B BLD R24,0 Bit load from T to register
0000004C MOV R24,R24 Copy register
0000004D LDI R25,0x00 Load immediate
0000004E LDD R18,Y+2 Load indirect with displacement
0000004F LDD R19,Y+3 Load indirect with displacement
00000050 ADD R24,R18 Add without carry
00000051 ADC R25,R19 Add with carry
00000052 STD Y+3,R25 Store indirect with displacement
00000053 STD Y+2,R24 Store indirect with displacement
00000054 LDD R24,Y+1 Load indirect with displacement
00000055 MOV R24,R24 Copy register
00000056 LDI R25,0x00 Load immediate
00000057 ANDI R24,0x10 Logical AND with immediate
00000058 CLR R25 Clear Register
00000059 LDD R18,Y+4 Load indirect with displacement
0000005A LDD R19,Y+5 Load indirect with displacement
0000005B ADD R24,R18 Add without carry
0000005C ADC R25,R19 Add with carry
0000005D STD Y+5,R25 Store indirect with displacement
0000005E STD Y+4,R24 Store indirect with displacement `
你爲什麼不使用&運算符。例如:'result = variable&(0x01000000)' –
它不會像那樣工作......您需要對帶'.raw'成員的位操作進行計算移位並屏蔽ops。並且擔心通過位域訪問字節內位的佈局。 C標準留下了編譯器自行決定的位數。編譯器遵循平臺上的ABI,但通常在可移植性方面存在問題。 –
我想寫一個儘可能少的指令的應用程序,所以我想使用定義爲我生成的代碼,而不是使用for循環例如 – alex529