2013-01-20 58 views


// These are the 5 NSStrings which are placed in an array. 
NSString *badOne = @"Bad? Your bill is nothing. I would consider that good service. SMDH."; 
NSString *badTwo = @"You left out the amount dude."; 
NSString *badThree = @"I can't tell you what the tip should be, if you don't tell me how much you dropped."; 
NSString *badFour = @"Forgetting something?"; 
NSString *badFive = @"The tip should be over 9000... /n kidding."; 

NSArray *badComments = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:badOne, badTwo, badThree, badFour, badFive, nil]; 

// A random string is selected and assigned to badJoke.  
int rand = arc4random()%5; 

NSString *badJoke = [badComments objectAtIndex:rand]; 

// Here's the problematic code:  
[_mainLabel setText:(badJoke)]; 
[_mainLabel setFrame:CGRectMake(50, 295, 200, 80)]; 
_mainLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO; 
_mainLabel.numberOfLines = 0; 

[_amountTextField resignFirstResponder]; 

// This is a separate label, completely unrelated.  
[_tipAmount setText:@""]; 

因此,舉例來說,一個時代可能出現「壞你的賬單沒有?」。 我也試過沒有setFrame線,沒有運氣。



當你增加UILabel框架時發生了什麼?它在變化嗎?如果你可以張貼你得到的結果的一些截圖, – iDev


將會很有幫助 –




NSString *badJoke = [badComments objectAtIndex:rand]; 

CGSize maximumSize = CGSizeMake(200, CGFLOAT_MAX);//you can give any max width which you feel that suits you... 

UIFont *font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:16];/Give your font size 

CGSize size = [badJoke sizeWithFont:font constrainedToSize:maximumSize lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping]; 
//size.height will get you the total height of the lable to be created. 

_mainLable=[[UILable alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 295, size.width, size.height)]; 
//if you haven't initialized.Or else you can use the same as you were using..[_mainLabel setFrame:CGRectMake(50, 295, size.width, size.height)]; 

_mainLabel.text= badJoke; 


_mainLabel.numberOfLines = 0; 
