我試圖用py2exe轉換遊戲代碼。但是每次我在命令提示符中鍵入語法python setup.py py2exe
import random
from random import randint
import pygame
import sys
from pygame.locals import *
Snakespeed= 9
Snakespeed1 = 17
size = [580,580]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((580, 580), FULLSCREEN)
background_position = [0,0]
Window_Width= 580
Window_Height= 580
Cell_Size = 20 #Width and height of the cells
assert Window_Width % Cell_Size == 0, "Window width must be a multiple of cell size." #Ensuring that the cells fit perfectly in the window. eg if cell size was 10 and window width or windowheight were 15 only 1.5 cells would fit.
assert Window_Height % Cell_Size == 0, "Window height must be a multiple of cell size." #Ensuring that only whole integer number of cells fit perfectly in the window.
Cell_W= int(Window_Width/Cell_Size) #Cell Width
Cell_H= int(Window_Height/Cell_Size) #Cellc Height
White= (255,255,255)
Black= (0,0,0)
Red= (255,0,0) #Defining element colors for the program.
Green= (0,255,0)
DARKGreen= (0,155,0)
DARKGRAY= (40,40,40)
YELLOW= (255,255,0)
Red_DARK= (150,0,0)
BLUE= (0,0,255)
BLUE_DARK= (0,0,150)
BROWN = (165,42,42)
BGCOLOR = Black # Background color
BGCOLOR1 = YELLOW # background color for snakes screen.
UP = 'up'
DOWN = 'down' # Defining keyboard keys.
LEFT = 'left'
RIGHT = 'right'
HEAD = 0 # Index of the snake's head
def main():
import time
global SnakespeedCLOCK, screen, BASICFONT
SnakespeedCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Window_Width, Window_Height), FULLSCREEN)
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
#Game Music
while True:
#Game Music
#wormCoords = [{'x': startx, 'y': starty},
#{'x': startx - 1, 'y': starty},
#{'x': startx - 2, 'y': starty}]
def runGame():
#Game Music
#Set a random start point.
#screenSize = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0)/2, user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)/2
#size = (screenSize)
pygame.display.set_mode(size, FULLSCREEN)
global wormCoords
startx = random.randint(5, Cell_W - 6)
starty = random.randint(5, Cell_H - 6)
wormCoords = [{'x': startx, 'y': starty},
{'x': startx - 1, 'y': starty},
{'x': startx - 2, 'y': starty}]
direction = RIGHT
# Start the apple in a random place.
apple = getRandomLocation()
while True: # main game loop
for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if (event.key == K_LEFT) and direction != RIGHT:
direction = LEFT
elif (event.key == K_RIGHT) and direction != LEFT:
direction = RIGHT
elif (event.key == K_UP) and direction != DOWN:
direction = UP
elif (event.key == K_DOWN) and direction != UP:
direction = DOWN
elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:
# check if the Snake has hit itself or the edge
if wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == -1 or wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == Cell_W or wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == -1 or wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == Cell_H:
return # game over
for wormBody in wormCoords[1:]:
if wormBody['x'] == wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] and wormBody['y'] == wormCoords[HEAD] ['y']:
return # game over
# check if Snake has eaten an apply
if wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == apple['x'] and wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == apple['y']:
# don't remove worm's tail segment
apple = getRandomLocation() # set a new apple somewhere
del wormCoords[-1] # remove worm's tail segment
# move the worm by adding a segment in the direction it is moving
if direction == UP:
newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'], 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] - 1}
elif direction == DOWN:
newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'], 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] + 1}
elif direction == LEFT:
newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] - 1, 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y']}
elif direction == RIGHT:
newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] + 1, 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y']}
wormCoords.insert(0, newHead)
background_image = pygame.image.load("snakey.png")
screen.blit(background_image, background_position)
## drawGrid()
global x
x = len(wormCoords) - 3
def drawPressKeyMsg():
pressKeySurf = BASICFONT.render('Press a key to play.',True, White)
pressKeyRect = pressKeySurf.get_rect()
pressKeyRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 200, Window_Height - 30)
screen.blit(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect)
def checkForKeyPress():
if len(pygame.event.get(QUIT)) > 0:
keyUpEvents = pygame.event.get(KEYUP)
if len(keyUpEvents) == 0:
return None
if keyUpEvents[0].key == K_ESCAPE:
return keyUpEvents[0].key
def showStartScreen():
titleFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 80)
titleSurf1 = titleFont.render('SNAKEY ', True, BLUE_DARK)
degrees1 = 0
degrees2 = 0
titleFont1 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20)
titleSurf11 = titleFont1.render('''MADE BY SHIVANGI AND RAGINI, CLASS 12 A ''', True, BROWN)
while True:
#background_image = pygame.image.load("J:\class 12 comp proj eddited\gamebackground.png")
background_image = pygame.image.load("gamebackground.jpeg")
snake = pygame.image.load("snake.png")
screen.blit(background_image, background_position)
rotatedSurf1 = pygame.transform.rotate(titleSurf1, degrees1)
rotatedRect1 = rotatedSurf1.get_rect()
rotatedRect1.center = (Window_Width/2, Window_Height/2)
screen.blit(rotatedSurf1, rotatedRect1)
screen.blit(titleSurf11, (50,480))
if checkForKeyPress():
pygame.event.get() # clear event queue
degrees1 += 3 # rotate by 3 degrees each frame
degrees2 += 7 # rotate by 7 degrees each frame
def terminate():
def getRandomLocation():
return {'x': random.randint(0, Cell_W - 1), 'y': random.randint(0, Cell_H - 1)}
def showGameOverScreen():
gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 100)
gameSurf = gameOverFont.render('Game', True, White)
overSurf = gameOverFont.render('Over', True, White)
gameRect = gameSurf.get_rect()
overRect = overSurf.get_rect()
gameRect.midtop = (Window_Width/2, 10)
overRect.midtop = (Window_Width/2, gameRect.height + 10 + 25)
screen.blit(gameSurf, gameRect)
screen.blit(overSurf, overRect)
checkForKeyPress() # clear out any key presses in the event queue
while True:
if checkForKeyPress():
pygame.event.get() # clear event queue
def drawScore(score):
scoreSurf = BASICFONT.render('Score: %s' % (score), True, White)
scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect()
scoreRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 120, 10)
screen.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect)
def drawWorm(wormCoords):
for coord in wormCoords:
x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size
y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size
wormSegmentRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARKGreen, wormSegmentRect)
wormInnerSegmentRect = pygame.Rect(x + 4, y + 4, Cell_Size - 8, Cell_Size - 8)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, Green, wormInnerSegmentRect)
def drawApple(coord):
x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size
y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size
appleRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, Red, appleRect) # blit an apple
random_color = (randint(0,255), randint(0,255), randint(0,255))
random_pos = (randint(0,580), randint(0,580))
random_radius = randint(1,4)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, random_color, random_pos, random_radius)
##def drawGrid():
## for x in range(0, Window_Width, Cell_Size): # draw vertical lines
## pygame.draw.line(screen,DARKGRAY , (x, 0), (x, Window_Height))
## for y in range(0, Window_Height, Cell_Size): # draw horizontal lines
## pygame.draw.line(screen, DARKGRAY , (0, y), (Window_Width, y))
#def newlevel(x):
#if x > 1 :
#Snakespeed= 12
if __name__ == '__main__':
if x > 1:
# except SystemExit:
# pass
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, pygame
from modulefinder import Module
import glob, fnmatch
import sys, os, shutil
import operator
except ImportError, message:
raise SystemExit, "Unable to load module. %s" % message
#hack which fixes the pygame mixer and pygame font
origIsSystemDLL = py2exe.build_exe.isSystemDLL # save the orginal before we edit it
def isSystemDLL(pathname):
# checks if the freetype and ogg dll files are being included
if os.path.basename(pathname).lower() in ("libfreetype-6.dll", "libogg-0.dll","sdl_ttf.dll"): # "sdl_ttf.dll" added by arit.
return 0
return origIsSystemDLL(pathname) # return the orginal function
py2exe.build_exe.isSystemDLL = isSystemDLL # override the default function with this one
class pygame2exe(py2exe.build_exe.py2exe): #This hack make sure that pygame default font is copied: no need to modify code for specifying default font
def copy_extensions(self, extensions):
#Get pygame default font
pygamedir = os.path.split(pygame.base.__file__)[0]
pygame_default_font = os.path.join(pygamedir, pygame.font.get_default_font())
#Add font to list of extension to be copied
extensions.append(Module("pygame.font", pygame_default_font))
py2exe.build_exe.py2exe.copy_extensions(self, extensions)
class BuildExe:
def __init__(self):
#Name of starting .py
self.script = "game.py"
#Name of program
self.project_name = "MyApps"
#Project url
self.project_url = "about:none"
#Version of program
self.project_version = "0.0"
#License of the program
self.license = "MyApps License"
#Auhor of program
self.author_name = "Me"
self.author_email = "[email protected]"
self.copyright = "Copyright (c) 2009 Me."
self.project_description = "MyApps Description"
#Icon file (None will use pygame default icon)
self.icon_file = None
#Extra files/dirs copied to game
self.extra_datas = []
#Extra/excludes python modules
self.extra_modules = []
self.exclude_modules = []
#DLL Excludes
self.exclude_dll = ['']
#python scripts (strings) to be included, seperated by a comma
self.extra_scripts = []
#Zip file name (None will bundle files in exe instead of zip file)
self.zipfile_name = None
#Dist directory
self.dist_dir ='dist'
## Code from DistUtils tutorial at http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Tutorial
## Originally borrowed from wxPython's setup and config files
def opj(self, *args):
path = os.path.join(*args)
return os.path.normpath(path)
def find_data_files(self, srcdir, *wildcards, **kw):
# get a list of all files under the srcdir matching wildcards,
# returned in a format to be used for install_data
def walk_helper(arg, dirname, files):
if '.svn' in dirname:
names = []
lst, wildcards = arg
for wc in wildcards:
wc_name = self.opj(dirname, wc)
for f in files:
filename = self.opj(dirname, f)
if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, wc_name) and not os.path.isdir(filename):
if names:
lst.append((dirname, names))
file_list = []
recursive = kw.get('recursive', True)
if recursive:
os.path.walk(srcdir, walk_helper, (file_list, wildcards))
walk_helper((file_list, wildcards),
[os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(self.opj(srcdir, '*'))])
return file_list
def run(self):
if os.path.isdir(self.dist_dir): #Erase previous destination dir
#Use the default pygame icon, if none given
if self.icon_file == None:
path = os.path.split(pygame.__file__)[0]
self.icon_file = os.path.join(path, 'pygame.ico')
#List all data files to add
extra_datas = []
for data in self.extra_datas:
if os.path.isdir(data):
extra_datas.extend(self.find_data_files(data, '*'))
extra_datas.append(('.', [data]))
cmdclass = {'py2exe': pygame2exe},
version = self.project_version,
description = self.project_description,
name = self.project_name,
url = self.project_url,
author = self.author_name,
author_email = self.author_email,
license = self.license,
# targets to build
windows = [{
'script': self.script,
'icon_resources': [(0, self.icon_file)],
'copyright': self.copyright
options = {'py2exe': {'optimize': 2, 'bundle_files': 1, 'compressed': True, \
'excludes': self.exclude_modules, 'packages': self.extra_modules, \
'dll_excludes': self.exclude_dll,
'includes': self.extra_scripts} },
zipfile = self.zipfile_name,
data_files = extra_datas,
dist_dir = self.dist_dir
if os.path.isdir('build'): #Clean up build dir
if __name__ == '__main__':
if operator.lt(len(sys.argv), 2):
BuildExe().run() #Run generation
raw_input("Press any key to continue")
'python.exe smth'? – ForceBru 2015-02-08 16:54:22
我很抱歉,但我無法得到你..你是什麼意思? – nerd0711 2015-02-08 17:02:39
你有沒有搜索你的錯誤是什麼意思? https://docs.python.org/2/faq/windows.html – runDOSrun 2015-02-08 17:04:03