2016-06-10 73 views


tell application "System Preferences" 
    set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.displays" 
    reveal (first anchor of current pane whose name is "displaysColorTab") 
end tell 




在這個良好的開端中,你並不是那麼遙遠。該腳本應該找到哪一行包含配置文件1(iMac),哪一行包含配置文件2(您的配置文件)。 如果選擇包含配置文件1的行,請選擇包含配置文件2的行。



tell application "System Preferences" 
set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.displays" 
reveal (first anchor of current pane whose name is "displaysColorTab") 
end tell 

set Prof1 to "iMac" -- define the profile 1 
set Prof2 to "ACES CG Linear" -- define the profile 2 
set {Row1, Row2, Sel1} to {0, 0, false} -- init values 

tell application "System Events" 
tell application process "System Preferences" 
    tell table of scroll area 1 of tab group 1 of front window 
     -- search the 2 profiles in the list of rows 
     repeat with I from 1 to (count of rows) 
      set N to (value of static text of row I) as string 
      if N contains Prof1 then 
       set Row1 to I 
       set Sel1 to selected of row I 
      end if 
      if N contains Prof2 then set Row2 to I 
     end repeat 
     -- make the toggle ! 
     if Sel1 then -- profile 1 selected, then select profile 2, if found 
      if Row2 > 0 then set selected of row Row2 to true 
     else -- profile 1 not yet selected, : select profile 1 if found 
      if Row1 > 0 then set selected of row Row1 to true 
     end if 
    end tell -- table 
end tell --process Sys Pref 
end tell -- System Events 

非常感謝@pbell,不幸的是,這是行不通的。以下是我在運行腳本時得到的內容:錯誤「系統事件發生錯誤:無法獲取應用程序進程窗口1的選項卡組1」系統偏好設置\「。索引無效。編號-1719從應用程序進程「系統首選項」的窗口1的選項卡組1中輸入 – Eileen


它正在處理我的系統imac27(10.11.5)。如果你有相同的版本,你應該有相同的界面。我懷疑這可能是你的硬件延遲。嘗試在「設置Prof1」之前添加一行「delay 1」......這會讓Mac有一段時間打開預設窗格。 – pbell


它現在工作完美!我只做了改變,在「告訴前窗口的標籤組1的滾動區域1的表」行之前添加了「延遲0.5」。感謝您的幫助! – Eileen
