的Python 2.7.8,Windows 7中,植酮USB編程器的DLL的Python的ctypes無法通過存儲陣列的結構
typedef struct tagACI_Memory_Params
UINT Size; // (in) Size of structure, in bytes
UINT BufferNumber; // (in) Number of buffer of interest, the first buffer number is 0
UINT LayerNumber; // (in) Number of layer of interest, the first layer number is 0
DWORD AddressLow; // (in) Low 32 bits of address, in layer units (natural to device address)
DWORD AddressHigh; // (in) High 32 bits of address, in layer units (natural to device address)
PVOID Data; // (in || out) Pointer to data to read to or write from
DWORD DataSize; // (in) Size of data to read or write, in layer units, max. 16 MB (0x1000000)
DWORD FillValue; // (in) Value to fill buffer with, used by ACI_FillLayer() only
} ACI_Memory_Params;
MaxMemorySize = 1024
MemoryBuffer = ctypes.c_ubyte * MaxMemorySize
class Memory_Params(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("Size", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("BufferNumber", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("LayerNumber", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("AddressLow", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("AddressHigh", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("Data", MemoryBuffer),
("DataSize", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("FillValue", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)
WriteLayer = ctypes.windll.ACI.ACI_WriteLayer
WriteLayer.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(Memory_Params)]
WriteLayer.restype = ctypes.HRESULT
WData = Memory_Params(ctypes.sizeof(Memory_Params),0,0,0,0,ctypes.POINTER(MemoryBuffer),15,0)
for i in range(10):
WData.Data[i] = i
print 'write result', WriteLayer(ctypes.byref(WData))
API調用返回1,這意味着:在ACI函數定義ACI_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS_SIZE 1 //無效結構尺寸
更新: 我錯過了至關重要的事情:在定義i之後創建並使用MemoryBuffer對象t,以及如何正確定義指針。 如果其他人有類似的情況,在這裏是工作代碼:
MaxMemorySize = 1024
MemoryBuffer = ctypes.c_ubyte * MaxMemorySize
class Memory_Params(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("Size", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("BufferNumber", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("LayerNumber", ctypes.wintypes.UINT),
("AddressLow", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("AddressHigh", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("Data", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)),
("DataSize", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
("FillValue", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)
WriteLayer = ctypes.windll.ACI.ACI_WriteLayer
WriteLayer.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(Memory_Params)]
WriteLayer.restype = ctypes.wintypes.UINT
PData = MemoryBuffer()
WData = Memory_Params(ctypes.sizeof(Memory_Params),0,0,0,0,PData,for i in range(10):
PData[i] = i
你不應該糾正的問題。 – CristiFati