2017-01-09 134 views



void func(int a) { 

// Start param copy 
char c; 
char* par_start = &c - sizeof(char) - getCurrentFuncParamOffset(); 
// End copy 

// Code 



EXPOSE(test, int); 
vm.call("test", 12) 




您在「然後我做」下的部分與上述部分沒有任何關聯。真的很難理解足夠的幫助。 – AndyG


@AndyG我很抱歉,希望編輯清除它 – BlueSpud


不完全。什麼是EXPOSE宏?什麼是「cppFunction」? void(* ptr)()=(void(*)());'? – AndyG




class ScriptObj {}; // Your type that encapsulates script objects. 
        // May be as simple as an integer or a string, 
        // or arbitrarily complex like PyObj 

template <typename T> T from_script(ScriptObj); // conversion to and from 
template <typename T> ScriptObj to_script(T); // C++ types. You provide 
               // specialized implementations. 
               // Bad conversions should throw. 

// Abstract base class for C++ functions callable from the scripts. 
// The scripting engine should pass a vector of parameters and a pointer to result. 
struct script2cxx 
    virtual ~script2cxx() {} 
    virtual ScriptObj operator()(const std::vector<ScriptObj>& params) = 0; 

// Concrete class that exposes a C++ function to the script engine. 
template <class Res, class ... Param> 
struct script2cxx_impl : script2cxx 

    using funcType = Res(*)(Param...); 

    virtual ScriptObj operator()(const std::vector<ScriptObj>& params) 
     if (sizeof...(Param) != params.size()) 
      throw std::domain_error("Invalid size of parameter array"); 
     return to_script<Res>(call_impl<std::tuple<Param...>>(func, params, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Param)>())); 

    template <class Tuple, std::size_t... N> 
     Res call_impl(funcType func, const std::vector<ScriptObj>& params, std::index_sequence<N...>) 
      return func(from_script<typename std::tuple_element<N, Tuple>::type>(params[N])...); 

    funcType func; 

    script2cxx_impl(funcType func) : func(func) {} 

// a helper biold function 
template <class Res, class ... Param> 
auto expose(Res(*func)(Param...)) { 
    return new script2cxx_impl<Res, Param...>(func); 


std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<script2cxx>> exposed; 

int foo(double, char[], int**) {...} 

// below is the only line you need to add 
// if you want to expose any standalone C++ function. 
// no boilerplate. 

exposed["foo"]=expose(foo); // you can wrap this in a macro if you want 


std::vector<ScriptObj> somevector = ...; 
std::string somestring = ...; 



我以前從來沒有使用模板的省略號,很好的解決方案!謝謝 – BlueSpud