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<p> Colection of my logos for a veriety of<br> different clients.</p>
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<img src="vodka.jpg" alt="" width="300"/>
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<h2>ELITE VODKA</h2>
<p> The idea was make a vodka design stand out from the competiotion and also give a strong symbolistic concept. </p>
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<img src="tamn.jpg" alt="" width="300"/>
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<p> A simplistic perfume design for women. Saying as much as possible, with as little as possible but still achive clarity, balance and harmony. </p>
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<img src="pedall.jpg" alt="" width="300"/>
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<p> You can have good sounding pedal that looks boring. What it you could have the best of<br> both worlds? </p>
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<img src="keww.jpg" alt="" width="300"/>
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<h2>Kew Guide</h2>
<p> Kew garden has a ton of beautiful sites to see all year around. Don't know where to start? Grab a brochure to make your life easy. </p>
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<img src="moca.jpg" alt="" width="300"/>
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<h2>MOCA SHOP</h2>
<p> A organic coffee shop design<br> inspired by coffee.</p>
<footer>copyright 2016 matic toni</footer>
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所有我們需要的是一個**最小**演示......足以演示整個問題......而不是整個頁面。 –
http://www.matictoni.com/projects.html –