2017-02-02 66 views



的Mac Pro(晚2013)

3.7 GHz四核Intel Xeon E5








tell application "Finder" 
    set N to name of aFile 
    set Ext to name extension of aFile 
    set BaseName to text 1 thru ((length of N) - (length of Ext) - 1) of N 
end tell 



set myLabel to label index of file CR2 -- to read CR2 file label 
set label index of aFile to myLabel -- to assign the label found to your new jpg file 



-- possible values label index: 0= no label, 1=orange, 2=Red, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=pink, 6=green, 7=grey 
set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder containing JPEG and raw files" 

tell application "Finder" 
set JPEGFiles to every file in entire contents of folder myFolder whose name extension is in {"JPG", "jpg"} 
repeat with aFile in JPEGFiles -- loop through all jpeg files 
    -- extract name of Jpg file without extension 
    set N to name of aFile 
    set Ext to name extension of aFile 
    set parentFolder to (container of aFile) as string -- get folder 
    set BaseName to text 1 thru ((length of N) - (length of Ext) - 1) of N 
    -- build possible raw file names with extension .CR2 or .NEF 
    set CR2 to (parentFolder & BaseName & ".CR2") as string 
    set NEF to (parentFolder & BaseName & ".NEF") as string 

    -- search existing label and assign it to jpg file 
    set myLabel to 0 -- default no label 
    if CR2 exists then set myLabel to label index of file CR2 -- get label of .CR2 if exists 
    if NEF exists then set myLabel to label index of file NEF -- get label of .NEF if exists 
    if myLabel > 0 then set label index of aFile to myLabel -- if label found, assignment to jpg file 
end repeat -- loop to next file in jpg folder 
end tell 

謝謝!你能把它放在一起嗎?我不確定這兩段代碼在第一個答案中加入了 –


腳本。 – pbell


太棒了!完美的作品。現在我需要它也包括所有的子文件夾。可能? –