$(document).ready(function() {
APP : {
formatTimer : function(a) {
if (a < 10) {
a = '0' + a;
return a;
startTimer : function(dir) {
var a;
// save type
$.APP.dir = dir;
// get current date
$.APP.d1 = new Date();
switch($.APP.state) {
case 'pause' :
// resume timer
// get current timestamp (for calculations) and
// substract time difference between pause and now
$.APP.t1 = $.APP.d1.getTime() - $.APP.td;
default :
// get current timestamp (for calculations)
$.APP.t1 = $.APP.d1.getTime();
// if countdown add ms based on seconds in textfield
if ($.APP.dir === 'cd') {
$.APP.t1 += parseInt($('#cd_seconds').val())*1000;
// reset state
$.APP.state = 'alive';
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_status').html('Running');
// start loop
pauseTimer : function() {
// save timestamp of pause
$.APP.dp = new Date();
$.APP.tp = $.APP.dp.getTime();
// save elapsed time (until pause)
$.APP.td = $.APP.tp - $.APP.t1;
// change button value
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_start').val('Resume');
// set state
$.APP.state = 'pause';
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_status').html('Paused');
stopTimer : function() {
// change button value
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_start').val('Restart');
// set state
$.APP.state = 'stop';
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_status').html('Stopped');
resetTimer : function() {
// reset display
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_ms,#' + $.APP.dir + '_s,#' + $.APP.dir + '_m,#' + $.APP.dir + '_h').html('00');
// change button value
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_start').val('Start');
// set state
$.APP.state = 'reset';
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_status').html('Reset & Idle again');
endTimer : function(callback) {
// change button value
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_start').val('Restart');
// set state
$.APP.state = 'end';
// invoke callback
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
loopTimer : function() {
var td;
var d2,t2;
var ms = 0;
var s = 0;
var m = 0;
var h = 0;
if ($.APP.state === 'alive') {
// get current date and convert it into
// timestamp for calculations
d2 = new Date();
t2 = d2.getTime();
// calculate time difference between
// initial and current timestamp
if ($.APP.dir === 'sw') {
td = t2 - $.APP.t1;
// reversed if countdown
} else {
td = $.APP.t1 - t2;
if (td <= 0) {
// if time difference is 0 end countdown
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_status').html('Ended & Reset');
// calculate milliseconds
ms = td%1000;
if (ms < 1) {
ms = 0;
} else {
// calculate seconds
s = (td-ms)/1000;
if (s < 1) {
s = 0;
} else {
// calculate minutes
var m = (s-(s%60))/60;
if (m < 1) {
m = 0;
} else {
// calculate hours
var h = (m-(m%60))/60;
if (h < 1) {
h = 0;
// substract elapsed minutes & hours
ms = Math.round(ms/100);
s = s-(m*60);
m = m-(h*60);
// update display
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_ms').html($.APP.formatTimer(ms));
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_s').html($.APP.formatTimer(s));
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_m').html($.APP.formatTimer(m));
$('#' + $.APP.dir + '_h').html($.APP.formatTimer(h));
// loop
$.APP.t = setTimeout($.APP.loopTimer,1);
} else {
// kill loop
return true;
$('#sw_start').live('click', function() {
$('#cd_start').live('click', function() {
$('#sw_stop,#cd_stop').live('click', function() {
$('#sw_reset,#cd_reset').live('click', function() {
$('#sw_pause,#cd_pause').live('click', function() {
$(function() {
// Never assume one widget is just used once in the page. You might
// think of adding a second one. So, we adjust accordingly.
$('.stopwatch').each(function() {
// Cache very important elements, especially the ones used always
var element = $(this);
var running = element.data('autostart');
var hoursElement = element.find('.hours');
var minutesElement = element.find('.minutes');
var secondsElement = element.find('.seconds');
var millisecondsElement = element.find('.milliseconds');
var toggleElement = element.find('.toggle');
var resetElement = element.find('.reset');
var pauseText = toggleElement.data('pausetext');
var resumeText = toggleElement.data('resumetext');
var startText = toggleElement.text();
// And it's better to keep the state of time in variables
// than parsing them from the html.
var hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, timer;
function prependZero(time, length) {
// Quick way to turn number to string is to prepend it with a string
// Also, a quick way to turn floats to integers is to complement with 0
time = '' + (time | 0);
// And strings have length too. Prepend 0 until right.
while (time.length < length) time = '0' + time;
return time;
function setStopwatch(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) {
// Using text(). html() will construct HTML when it finds one, overhead.
hoursElement.text(prependZero(hours, 2));
minutesElement.text(prependZero(minutes, 2));
secondsElement.text(prependZero(seconds, 2));
millisecondsElement.text(prependZero(milliseconds, 3));
// Update time in stopwatch periodically - every 25ms
function runTimer() {
// Using ES5 Date.now() to get current timestamp
var startTime = Date.now();
var prevHours = hours;
var prevMinutes = minutes;
var prevSeconds = seconds;
var prevMilliseconds = milliseconds;
timer = setInterval(function() {
var timeElapsed = Date.now() - startTime;
hours = (timeElapsed/3600000) + prevHours;
minutes = ((timeElapsed/60000) + prevMinutes) % 60;
seconds = ((timeElapsed/1000) + prevSeconds) % 60;
milliseconds = (timeElapsed + prevMilliseconds) % 1000;
setStopwatch(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
}, 25);
// Split out timer functions into functions.
// Easier to read and write down responsibilities
function run() {
running = true;
function pause() {
running = false;
function reset() {
running = false;
hours = minutes = seconds = milliseconds = 0;
setStopwatch(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
// And button handlers merely call out the responsibilities
toggleElement.on('click', function() {
(running) ? pause() : run();
resetElement.on('click', function() {
// Another advantageous thing about factoring out functions is that
// They are reusable, callable elsewhere.
if(running) run();
感謝,但我想多秒錶單間隔和功能,我不想寫功能,並設置間隔多次 –
看到此鏈接https://www.sitepoint.com/online-jquery-stopwatch/ @shivchhabra –
感謝@伊文raj使用你的答案我會嘗試自己編碼,這是一個幫助,謝謝。 –
雖然目前沒有出現任何問題,更不用說它是不清楚 –
WELCOM e到StackOverflow!請閱讀[問],並記住在你的問題中總是包含[mcve]。 – evolutionxbox