2011-08-11 55 views






class Communication extends AppModel { 

var $name = 'Communication'; 
var $displayField = 'title'; 

//The Associations below have been created with all possible keys, those that are not needed can be removed 

var $hasMany = array(
    'Interaction' => array(
     'className' => 'Interaction', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'dependent' => false, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => '', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'exclusive' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'counterQuery' => '' 
    'Star' => array(
     'className' => 'Star', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'dependent' => false, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => '', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'exclusive' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'counterQuery' => '' 

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
    'Document' => array(
     'className' => 'Document', 
     'joinTable' => 'communications_documents', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'associationForeignKey' => 'document_id', 
     'unique' => true, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => '', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'deleteQuery' => '', 
     'insertQuery' => '' 
    'Event' => array(
     'className' => 'Event', 
     'joinTable' => 'communications_events', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'associationForeignKey' => 'event_id', 
     'unique' => true, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => '', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'deleteQuery' => '', 
     'insertQuery' => '' 
    'Meeting' => array(
     'className' => 'Meeting', 
     'joinTable' => 'communications_meetings', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'associationForeignKey' => 'meeting_id', 
     'unique' => true, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => 'date_create DESC', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'deleteQuery' => '', 
     'insertQuery' => '' 
    'User' => array(
     'className' => 'User', 
     'joinTable' => 'communications_users', 
     'foreignKey' => 'communication_id', 
     'associationForeignKey' => 'user_id', 
     'unique' => true, 
     'conditions' => '', 
     'fields' => '', 
     'order' => 'name', 
     'limit' => '', 
     'offset' => '', 
     'finderQuery' => '', 
     'deleteQuery' => '', 
     'insertQuery' => '' 

function getComInfos($id) { 

    $communication_infos = $this->read(null, $id); 


    return $communication_infos; 


function getComLinks($id) { 

    $communication_links = $this->query(" 
    SELECT 'documents' AS 'type', 'D' AS 'marker', d.id AS id, d.date_create AS date, du.user_id AS info_aux, d.title AS title, d.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_documents AS cd 
    JOIN documents AS d ON d.id = cd.document_id 
    JOIN documents_users AS du ON du.document_id = d.id 
    WHERE cd.communication_id = ".$id." 


    SELECT 'events' AS 'type', 'E' AS 'marker', e.id AS id, e.date_create AS date, e.institution AS info_aux, e.title AS title, e.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_events AS ce 
    JOIN events AS e ON e.id = ce.event_id 
    WHERE ce.communication_id =".$id." 


    SELECT 'meetings' AS 'type', 'R' AS 'marker', m.id AS id, m.date_create AS date, m.site AS info_aux, m.title AS title, m.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_meetings AS cm 
    JOIN meetings AS m ON m.id = cm.meeting_id 
    WHERE cm.communication_id =".$id." 


    SELECT 'interactions' AS 'type', 'C' AS 'marker', i.id AS id, i.date_create AS date, i.user_id AS info_aux, i.title AS title, i.content AS content 
    FROM interactions AS i 
    WHERE i.communication_id =".$id." 

    ORDER BY date DESC 


    return $communication_links; 




function paginate($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit, $page = 1, $recursive = null, $extra = array()) { 

    $recursive = -1; 
    return $this->query(" 
    SELECT 'documents' AS 'type', 'D' AS 'marker', d.id AS id, d.date_create AS date, du.user_id AS info_aux, d.title AS title, d.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_documents AS cd 
    JOIN documents AS d ON d.id = cd.document_id 
    JOIN documents_users AS du ON du.document_id = d.id 
    WHERE cd.communication_id = 137 


    SELECT 'events' AS 'type', 'E' AS 'marker', e.id AS id, e.date_create AS date, e.institution AS info_aux, e.title AS title, e.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_events AS ce 
    JOIN events AS e ON e.id = ce.event_id 
    WHERE ce.communication_id =137 


    SELECT 'meetings' AS 'type', 'R' AS 'marker', m.id AS id, m.date_create AS date, m.site AS info_aux, m.title AS title, m.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_meetings AS cm 
    JOIN meetings AS m ON m.id = cm.meeting_id 
    WHERE cm.communication_id = 137 


    SELECT 'interactions' AS 'type', 'C' AS 'marker', i.id AS id, i.date_create AS date, i.user_id AS info_aux, i.title AS title, i.content AS content 
    FROM interactions AS i 
    WHERE i.communication_id = 137 

    ORDER BY date DESC 
    LIMIT ".(($page-1)*$limit).", ".$limit); 


function paginateCount($conditions = null, $recursive = 0, $extra = array()) { 
    $sql = " 
    SELECT 'documents' AS 'type', 'D' AS 'marker', d.id AS id, d.date_create AS date, du.user_id AS info_aux, d.title AS title, d.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_documents AS cd 
    JOIN documents AS d ON d.id = cd.document_id 
    JOIN documents_users AS du ON du.document_id = d.id 
    WHERE cd.communication_id = 137 


    SELECT 'events' AS 'type', 'E' AS 'marker', e.id AS id, e.date_create AS date, e.institution AS info_aux, e.title AS title, e.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_events AS ce 
    JOIN events AS e ON e.id = ce.event_id 
    WHERE ce.communication_id = 137 


    SELECT 'meetings' AS 'type', 'R' AS 'marker', m.id AS id, m.date_create AS date, m.site AS info_aux, m.title AS title, m.desc AS content 
    FROM communications_meetings AS cm 
    JOIN meetings AS m ON m.id = cm.meeting_id 
    WHERE cm.communication_id = 137 


    SELECT 'interactions' AS 'type', 'C' AS 'marker', i.id AS id, i.date_create AS date, i.user_id AS info_aux, i.title AS title, i.content AS content 
    FROM interactions AS i 
    WHERE i.communication_id = 137 

    ORDER BY date DESC 
    $this->recursive = $recursive; 
    $results = $this->query($sql); 
    return count($results); 




class SampleController extends AppController { 
     var $paginate = array(
      'ModelName' => array(...general options...) 


    function index(){ 
     $this->paginate = array(
      ... specific pagination options for index action ... 
    function view(){ 
     $this->paginate = array(
      ... specific pagination options for view action ... 




Hi @baseer, 你是對的,但如果我需要使用相同的模型呢?對於索引操作,我使用默認分頁方法,使用默認查詢。對於視圖操作,我需要一個自定義分頁方法和一個自定義查詢,這使得在某些表上選擇一個UNION。 –


您將需要重寫您的paginate()和paginateCount()方法。這裏是一個體面的例子:[Custom Query Pagination](http://book.cakephp.org/view/1237/Custom-Query-Pagination)。我將把 '$ results = $ this-> query($ sql);' 其中SQL片段'$ sql'將考慮'$ limit'和$ $ page傳入的變量(以及所有其他變量)。 要解決同一模型中多個分頁類型的問題,可以使用'$ extra'變量來區分它們。 – Baseer


酷@baseer。但是這個額外的工作怎麼樣?我從來沒有見過這種用途。 –