2017-02-04 45 views

以下是我的代碼。 我得到兩個fieldset每個包含一些文本框和一個按鈕。 我只想驗證屬於該字段集的按鈕點擊上的字段。如何獲取Ext JS中提交事件的粒子字段驗證?



this.form = new Ext.form.Panel({ 
      margin: '10 100 10 100', 
      xtype: 'panel', 
      border: true, 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      padding: '2 2 2 2', 
      items: [{ 
       xtype: 'fieldset', 
       flex: 1, 
       layout: 'anchor', 
       title: 'Send Email', 
       //collapsible: true, 
       //collapsed: true, 
       border: false, 
       defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, 

       items: [{ 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtRecipients', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Recipients email address', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtSubject', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Subject', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textareafield', 
        name: 'txtMessage', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Type your message here', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ', 
        rows: 4 

        xtype: 'container', 
        items: [ 
          xtype: 'button', 
          margin: '0 0 0 0', 
          text: 'Send', 
          width: 80, 
          height: 30, 
          handler: function() { 

       xtype: 'fieldset', 
       flex: 1, 
       layout: 'anchor', 
       title: 'Send SMS', 
       //collapsible: true, 
       //collapsed: true, 
       border: false, 
       defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, 

       items: [{ 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtRecipients', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Contact Numbers seperated by comma(,)', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textareafield', 
        name: 'txt1Message', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Type your message here', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ', 
        rows: 3 

        xtype: 'tbspacer', 
        height: 45 
        xtype: 'container', 
        items: [ 
          xtype: 'button', 
          margin: '0 0 0 0', 
          text: 'Send', 
          width: 80, 
          height: 30, 
          handler: function() { 






this.form = new Ext.form.Panel({ 
    margin: '10 100 10 100', 
    xtype: 'panel', 
    border: true, 
    layout: 'hbox', 
    padding: '2 2 2 2', 
    items: [{ 
      xtype: 'fieldset', 
      flex: 1, 
      layout: 'anchor', 
      title: 'Send Email', 
      //collapsible: true, 
      //collapsed: true, 
      border: false, 
      defaults: { 
       anchor: '100%' 
      items: [{ 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtRecipients', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Recipients email address', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtSubject', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Subject', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textareafield', 
        name: 'txtMessage', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Type your message here', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ', 
        rows: 4 

        xtype: 'container', 
        items: [{ 
         xtype: 'button', 
         margin: '0 0 0 0', 
         text: 'Send', 
         width: 80, 
         height: 30, 
         handler: function() { 
      xtype: 'fieldset', 
      flex: 1, 
      layout: 'anchor', 
      title: 'Send SMS', 
      //collapsible: true, 
      //collapsed: true, 
      border: false, 
      defaults: { 
       anchor: '100%' 
      items: [{ 
        xtype: 'textfield', 
        name: 'txtRecipients', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Contact Numbers seperated by comma(,)', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ' 
        xtype: 'textareafield', 
        name: 'txt1Message', 
        allowBlank: false, 
        //fieldLabel: 'Last Name', 
        emptyText: 'Type your message here', 
        padding: '2 2 2 2 ', 
        rows: 3 

        xtype: 'tbspacer', 
        height: 45 
        xtype: 'container', 
        items: [{ 
         xtype: 'button', 
         margin: '0 0 0 0', 
         text: 'Send', 
         width: 80, 
         height: 30, 
         handler: function() { 

function check_email(){ 
    // Here you do a validation of the E-mail fields 

function check_sms(){ 
    // Here you do a validation of the SMS fields 
