2015-06-18 192 views

我有一個完美的搜索功能,可以完美地搜索精確的數值,但是我需要對其進行調整,以便在單元格內搜索文本並僅提取文本。例如,它搜索第7列。第7列中可能有一個單元格,其中包含單詞Interface - HPT,SAS,LPT理想情況下,我想搜索Interface - HPT一詞,然後從單元格中提取僅此文本。我還需要搜索功能才能對多個不同的值執行此操作。因此,例如運行搜索接口 - HPT 接口 - SAS和接口LPT彼此分開。這可能嗎 ?從單元格中提取文本


Sub InterfaceMacro() 

Dim Headers() As String: Headers = _ 
    Split("Target FMECA,Part I.D,Line I.D,Part No.,Part Name,Failure Mode,Assumed System Effect,Assumed Engine Effect", ",") 

    Worksheets.Add().Name = "Interface" 
    Dim wsInt As Worksheet: Set wsInt = Sheets("Interface") 
    wsInt.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 

    With wsFHA 
     For i = 0 To UBound(Headers) 
      .Cells(2, i + 2) = Headers(i) 
      .Columns(i + 2).EntireColumn.AutoFit 
     Next i 
     .Cells(1, 2) = "Interface TABLE" 
     .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(1, UBound(Headers) + 2)).MergeCells = True 
     .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(1, UBound(Headers) + 2)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter 
     .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(2, UBound(Headers) + 2)).Font.Bold = True 
    End With 

    Dim SourceCell As Range, FirstAdr As String 
    Dim RowCounter As Long: RowCounter = 3 

    Dim SearchTarget() As String 
    SearchTarget = Split("9.1,18.0", ",") 

    For i = 0 To UBound(SearchTarget) 
     If Worksheets.Count > 1 Then 
      For j = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1 
      With Sheets(j) 
       Set SourceCell = .Columns(7).Find(SearchTarget(i), LookAt:=xlWhole) 
       If Not SourceCell Is Nothing Then 
        FirstAdr = SourceCell.Address 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 2).Value = SearchTarget(i) 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 3).Value = .Cells(SourceCell.Row, 6).Value 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 4).Value = .Cells(3, 10).Value 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 5).Value = .Cells(2, 10).Value 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 6).Value = .Cells(SourceCell.Row, 2).Value 
         For k = 0 To SourceCell.Row - 1 
          If .Cells(SourceCell.Row - k, 3).Value <> "continued." Then 
           wsFHA.Cells(RowCounter, 7).Value = .Cells(SourceCell.Row - k, 3).Value 
           Exit For 
          End If 
         Next k 
         wsInt.Cells(RowCounter, 8).Value = .Cells(SourceCell.Row, 14).Value 
         Set SourceCell = .Columns(7).FindNext(SourceCell) 
         RowCounter = RowCounter + 1 
        Loop While Not SourceCell Is Nothing And SourceCell.Address <> FirstAdr 
       End If 
      End With 
      Next j 
     End If 
    Next i 

    End Sub 


Dim SourceCell As Range, FirstAdr As String 
     Dim RowCounter As Long: RowCounter = 3 

     Dim SearchTarget() As String 
     SearchTarget = Split("9.1,18.0", ",") 

     For i = 0 To UBound(SearchTarget) 
      If Worksheets.Count > 1 Then 
       For j = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1 
       With Sheets(j) 
        Set SourceCell = .Columns(7).Find(SearchTarget(i), LookAt:=xlWhole) 
        If Not SourceCell Is Nothing Then 
         FirstAdr = SourceCell.Address 

請僅分享與您的問題相關的部分代碼。首先想到我會建議'instr()'或正則表達式,你試過了嗎? –


我已編輯回覆您的帖子的問題。它基本上是定義正在搜索的內容的代碼的一部分,我需要進行一些解釋。這個代碼在搜索多個數值時工作得很好,但我正在尋找適應它來搜索和提取我正在處理的另一個項目的某些文本值。 – SeanBaird


您可以將數組定義爲按照您爲數字定義的方式進行搜索。要搜索部分單元格內容,您需要將'.Find(SearchTarget(i),LookAt:= xlWhole)'改爲'.Find(SearchTarget(i),LookAt:= xlPart)'。如果這不是您需要的解決方案,請添加一些示例數據和所需的輸出以便更容易理解您的問題。 –




要搜索部分單元格內容,您需要將.Find(SearchTarget(i), LookAt:=xlWhole)更改爲.Find(SearchTarget(i), LookAt:=xlPart)

VBA在公式/結果中查找的方式與查找/替換對話框中的相同。 (將.LookIn設置爲xlValuesxlFormulas


我會添加。看起來像這樣'.find(SearchTarget(i),LookAT:= xlPart,lookinxlValues?' – SeanBaird


@seanbaird:'.find(SearchTarget(i),LookAT:= xlPart,lookin:= xlValues) –
