#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Constant for the array size.
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 4;
// Function Prototypes
void getEmployeeInfo(long [], int [], double [], double [], int);
void bubbleSort(long empId[],int hours[],double payRate[],double wages[],int size);
void displayWages(long empId[], double wages[], int size);
int main()
// Array of employee ID numbers
long empId[ARRAY_SIZE] = { 5658845, 4520125, 7895122,
// Array to hold the hours worked for each employee
int hours[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
// Array to hold the hourly pay rate for each employee
double payRate[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
// Array to hold the gross wages for each employee
double wages[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
// Get the employee payroll information and store
// it in the arrays.
getEmployeeInfo(empId, hours, payRate, wages, ARRAY_SIZE);
// Display the payroll information.
displayWages(empId, wages, ARRAY_SIZE);
// Sort the payroll information in ascending order with a bubble sort.
bubbleSort(empId, hours, payRate, wages, ARRAY_SIZE);
// Display the payroll information again.
displayWages (empId, wages, ARRAY_SIZE);
return 0;
// ********************************************************
// The getEmployeeInfo function receives four parallel *
// arrays as arguments. The 1st array contains employee *
// IDs to be displayed in prompts. It asks for input and *
// stores hours worked and pay rate information in the *
// 2nd and 3rd arrays. This information is used to *
// calculate gross pay, which it stores in the 4th array. *
// ********************************************************
void getEmployeeInfo(long emp[], int hrs[], double rate[],
double pay[], int size)
cout << "Enter the requested information "
<< "for each employee.\n";
// Get the information for each employee.
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
cout << "\nEmployee #: " << emp[count] << "\t";
// Get this employee's hours worked.
cout << "Hours worked: ";
cin >> hrs[count];
// Validate hours worked.
while (hrs < 0)
cout << "\nHours worked must be 0 or more. "
<< "Please re-enter: ";
cin >> hrs[count];
// Get this employee's pay rate.
cout << "\tPay rate: $";
cin >> rate[count];
// Validate the pay rate.
while (rate[count] < 6.00)
cout << "\nPay rate must be 6.00 or more. "
<< "Please re-enter: $";
cin >> rate[count];
// Calculate this employee's gross pay.
pay[count] = hrs[count]*rate[count];
// ADD statement to calculate wages by multiplying
// hours with rate of pay;
// ********************************************************
// The bubbleSort function sorts the information based on *
// the wages array. *
// ********************************************************
void bubbleSort(long empId[],int hours[],double payRate[],double wages[],int size)
bool swap;
int index;
swap = false;
for (int count = 0; count < (size - 1); count++)
if (wages[count] > wages [count + 1])
index = wages[count];
wages[count] = wages[count + 1];
wages[count + 1] = index;
swap = true;
} while (swap);
// ********************************************************
// The displayWages function displays employee ID numbers *
// and their wages. *
// ********************************************************
void displayWages(long empId[], double wages[], int size)
// Set up the numeric output formatting.
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << endl;
// Display the header.
cout << "----------------------------\n";
cout << "Employee Wages\n";
cout << "----------------------------\n\n";
// Display each employee's pay.
for (int count = 0; count < ARRAY_SIZE; count++)
cout << "Employee #" << empId[count] << " $";
cout << setw(7) << wages[count] << endl << endl;
裏面,你換了工資陣列的兩個元素的冒泡功能,您還需要交換EMPID,時間的相應元素和payRate陣列 – samgak
那麼這是否意味着我應該再添加2個if語句,但它是否符合empId和hours? – Duck
不,因爲你是根據工資排序的,所以if語句只應該比較工資。我會添加一個答案來顯示我的意思 – samgak