2017-03-09 109 views

我有一個大圖像的頁面,視差滾動。不調整大小在移動/ iPhone上的背景圖像


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    <h1><img src="../images/mainlogo.png" alt="Culture Smart!"></h1> 
    <h2>Culture Smart! guides begin where other travel books end.</h2> 
    <p>Our guides emphasize the people, not places. Written for the inquisitive traveler who wants more than information on hotels and sightseeing, they offer an insight into the rich human dimension of travel. Navigate your way abroad with over 100 country guides.</p> 
    <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="destinations.php" role="button">Full list</a></p> 

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      <h2>About Culture Smart!</h2> 
      <h4>The Essential Guide to Customs &amp; Culture</h4> 
      <p>Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behaviour in over 100 different countries.</p> 
      <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="whatiscs.php" role="button">Learn more</a></p> 

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      <h2>Our Authors</h2> 
      <p>Find out their stories and experiences and how they can help enrich your travels.</p> 
      <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="authors.php" role="button">About them</a></p> 

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      <h2>We would love to hear from you</h2> 
      <h4>Idea for the next book, let us know what you think of Culture Smart.</h4> 
      <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="contact.php" role="button">Get in touch</a></p> 


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背景大小:包含圖像底部的空白區域的結果。我希望你能提出一個合適的媒體查詢和如何使用這個 – Matt


我使用引導,所以這些是它的媒體查詢 @media(max-width:767px){/ *屏幕767px * /} @media(min-width:768px)/ * 766px等屏幕* /} @media(min-width:992px){} @media(min-width:1200px){} 您可以全新編寫每個查詢中每個屏幕大小的樣式。 – Paul


每一個加載不同的背景圖片或更改高度?感謝您花時間在這 – Matt