2010-11-18 46 views



class MyTcpClass 
    public delegate void ClientConnectHandler(Socket client, int clientNum); 

    public event ClientConnectHandler ClientConnect; 

    private Socket wellKnownSocket; 
    private Socket[] clientSockets = new Socket[MAX_CLIENTS]; 
    private int numConnected = 0; 

    private void OnClientConnect(Socket client, int clientNum) 
     if (ClientConnect != null) 
     ClientConnect(client, clientNum); 

    public void StartListening() 
     //initialize wellKnownSocket 
     wellKnownSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(internal_clientConnect); 

    public void internal_clientConnect(IAsyncResult ar) 
     //Add client socket to clientSocket[numConnected] 

     OnClientConnect(clientSocket[numConnected], numConnected);   
     //error: event happens on different thread!! 

class MainForm 
    void Button_click() 
     MyTcpClass mtc = new MyTcpClass(); 
     mtc.ClientConnect += mtc_ClientConnected; 

    void mtc_clientConnected(Socket client, int clientNum) 
     ActivityListBox.Items.Add("Client #" + clientNum.ToString() + " connected."); 
     //exception: cannot modify control on seperate thread 



class MainForm 
    public MainForm() 
     MyTcpClass mtc = new MyTcpClass(); 
     MyTcpClass2 mtc2 = new MyTcpClass2(this); 
     //this version holds a Form handle to invoke the event 

     mtc.ClientConnect += mtc_uglyClientConnect; 
     mtc2.ClientConnect += mtc2_smartClientConnect; 

    //This event is being called in the AsyncCallback of MyTcpClass 
    //the main form handles invoking the control, I want to avoid this 
    void mtc_uglyClientConnect(Socket s, int n) 
     if (mycontrol.InvokeRequired) 
     //call begininvoke to update mycontrol 
     mycontrol.text = "Client " + n.ToString() + " connected."; 

    //This is slightly cleaner, as it is triggered in MyTcpClass2 by using its 
    //passed in Form handle's BeginInvoke to trigger the event on its own thread. 
    //However, I also want to avoid this because referencing a form in a seperate class 
    //while having it (the main form) observe events in the class as well seems... bad 
    void mtc2_smartClientConnect(Socket s, int n) 
     mycontrol.text = "Client " + n.ToString() + " connected."; 





總之,接收事件的方法應該負責在需要的任何線程上運行需要的任何代碼。引發事件的機制應完全忽略接收器需要的任何奇怪線程化的東西。除了使多事件綁定場景複雜化之外,它還將跨線程調用的邏輯移至不屬於它的類中。 MyTcpClass類應該專注於處理TCP客戶端/服務器問題,而不是用Winforms線程來解決問題。


所以,你建議第一個例子,我在哪裏訪問任何winform控件在MainForm使用調用事件處理程序的東西?我意識到MyTcpClass應該忽略它所在的線程,但MyTcpClass與您的客戶端連接具有「具有」異步回調關係。我傾向於在線程中觸發事件(忽略了哪個線程),MyTcpClass被創建。我看到你的觀點並同意它,但是微軟自己通過其帶有progresschanged事件的「backgroundworker」模擬了一個類似的事件。 – 2010-11-18 14:43:44


@Tom:問題是這個線程模型對於Winforms來說非常特殊 - 你可能甚至無法在創建類的線程上調用事件處理程序! (如果線程終止了怎麼辦?) – cdhowie 2010-11-18 18:01:10