編輯2:順便說一下,我的代碼在工作,並通過了所有的測試人員。我只是試圖圍繞構造函數進行包裝。日期d是一個對象; Date的構造函數的一個產品,是否正確?因此,如果IncDate是一個Date(這就是我認爲的延伸手段),是不是有權訪問Date的構造函數,因此能夠創建新的Date對象和/或使用它們?再次,夥計們,非常感謝!Java:爲什麼你需要構造函數來在父類中使用對象?
public class IncDate extends Date
public IncDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
super(newMonth, newDay, newYear);
public void increment()
Date d = inverseLilian(lilian() + 1);
month = d.month;
day = d.day;
year = d.year;
public Date(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
month = newMonth;
day = newDay;
year = newYear;
TL; DR:如果我刪除IncDate構造函數,則Increment方法中的Date對象不起作用。爲什麼?
public Date inverseLilian(int lilian)
int temp = ((lilian + 139444) * 100)/3652425;
int days = temp + lilian + 139444 - (temp/4);
temp = days * 100/36525;
if((days * 100) % 36525 == 0)
temp -= 1;
days = days - (temp * 36525/100);
int years = temp + 1201;
// account for leap year
int leapDay = 0;
if (years % 4 == 0) leapDay ++;
if (years % 100 == 0) leapDay --;
if (years % 400 == 0) leapDay ++;
if (days > leapDay + 59) days += (2 - leapDay);
int months = (((days + 91) * 100)/3055);
days = (days + 91) - ((months * 3055)/100);
months -= 2;
return new Date(months,days,years);
public int lilian()
// Returns the Lilian Day Number of this date.
// Precondition: This Date is a valid date after 10/14/1582.
// Computes the number of days between 1/1/0 and this date as if no calendar
// reforms took place, then subtracts 578,100 so that October 15, 1582 is day 1.
final int subDays = 578100; // number of calculated days from 1/1/0 to 10/14/1582
int numDays = 0;
// Add days in years.
numDays = year * 365;
// Add days in the months.
if (month <= 2)
numDays = numDays + (month - 1) * 31;
numDays = numDays + ((month - 1) * 31) - ((4 * (month-1) + 27)/10);
// Add days in the days.
numDays = numDays + day;
// Take care of leap years.
numDays = numDays + (year/4) - (year/100) + (year/400);
// Handle special case of leap year but not yet leap day.
if (month < 3)
if ((year % 4) == 0) numDays = numDays - 1;
if ((year % 100) == 0) numDays = numDays + 1;
if ((year % 400) == 0) numDays = numDays - 1;
// Subtract extra days up to 10/14/1582.
numDays = numDays - subDays;
return numDays;
由於Date d是一個對象,因此我需要父類的構造函數來創建一個新的Date對象,因爲對象是由構造函數生成的!我希望這是正確的。謝啦。 – user5277222