def main():
#word = input("Word to guess for player 2:")
word = ['h','e','l','l','o']
word2 = "hello"
#make a list of _ the same length as the word
display =[]
for i in range (0,len(word)):
chances = int(input("Number of chances to guess word:"))
if len(word)== 11:
print ("Your word is too long. It has to be 10 charecters or less")
word = word
if chances < len(word):
answer = input("Your word is {0} letters long , are you sure you don't want more chances? Yes or no?". format (len(word)))
if answer == "no":
chances= int(input("Number of chances:"))
chances = chances
("Ok then lets continue with the game")
print ("Player 2, you have {0} chances to guess the word.". format (chances))
won = False
underscore = False
while chances > 0 and won == False and underscore == False:
guess = input("Enter your guess: ")
for i in range (0,len(word)):
if guess == word[i]:
if not gC:
chances = chances - 1
display2 = ""
for i in display:
display2 = display2 + i + " "
由於某些原因,當我聲明我的while循環時,代碼不起作用,因爲遊戲繼續進行,直到用戶用完猜測' 。有沒有人有任何建議,我該如何解決這個問題?通過變量來檢查它是否不包含字符串
使用'while while chances> 0而不是贏得和不下劃線;測試是否永遠不需要布爾型「== False」或「== True」。 – 2013-05-08 17:02:23