我還在學習Xamarin。我想問我是否可以修改從我的.resx文件中的字符串輸出的字體大小。我正在使用VS 2015,Xamarin Shared。以下是我的.resx文件中的一些內容。如何修改Xamarin中的.resx值中的字體大小?
<data name="ERR_GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR_AUDIT" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ensure that the tablet is within WiFi coverage and try again.
If within WiFi coverage please follow the below steps:
1. Force Close WISview
• WIS Issued Device: Click the circle at the bottom of the tablet and then click "Clear all processes"
• Non WIS Issued Device: Click the square at the bottom of the device and then clicking the X on the WISview tile
2. Re-open WISview and select 「no」 to the screen that prompts you to 「use this inventory」
3. Re-print a new Inventory Control barcode from the Laptop
4. Scan the newly printed Inventory Control Barcode.
If still unable to begin audit of tag {0}, please contact helpline.</value>