我有一個一對多的關係模型如下:Django的filterset - 一對多查詢
class Client(models.Model):
name = models.CharField....
class Contract(models.Model):
client = models.ForeignKey(Client)
type = models.IntegerField()
start_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
最終我去下面的,如果這個可以進行優化,那麼請讓我知道 - TA。
# this function is called by django-filter
# its purpose is to remove any clients where the contract with the most recent start date
# does not have a type that matches the value parameter
def filter_contract_type(self, queryset, name, value):
# for each client get the contract with the latest start date
# if that contract has a type that matches the value parameter, then hold on to the pk of its parent
# finally strip out any clients that are not in this list, from the queryset django-filter passed in and then return it
client_ids = []
value = int(value)
for client in queryset:
con = Contract.objects.filter(client=client).order_by('start_date').last()
if con is not None and con.type == value:
return queryset.filter(pk__in=client_ids)
'父= models.ForeignKey(家長)'你的意思是'父= models.ForeignKey(客戶端)'? –
什麼是你的數據庫後端,postgres有什麼機會? – schwobaseggl
葉先生,對不起Ayush,我做了必要的編輯。 ta – SteveMcG