我是JQgrid PHP的新手。我可以將表格數據導出爲pdf格式。我的桌子有一個子網格。有沒有辦法將表格網格與子網格一起導出爲PDF?JQGrid PHP的輸出網格和子網格爲pdf
我是JQgrid PHP的新手。我可以將表格數據導出爲pdf格式。我的桌子有一個子網格。有沒有辦法將表格網格與子網格一起導出爲PDF?JQGrid PHP的輸出網格和子網格爲pdf
出口,你可以試試這個 這是在哪裏顯示jqGrid的表中的HTML頁面:
require_once '../../../jq-config.php';
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once ABSPATH."php/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH."php/jqGridPdo.php";
// LOAD lang file
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShipName, Freight FROM orders';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
"caption"=>"PDF export"
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("OrderDate", array(
"formatoptions"=>array("srcformat"=>"Y-m-d H:i:s","newformat"=>"m/d/Y"),
$grid->setColProperty("ShipName", array("width"=>"250"));
$grid->setColProperty("Freight", array("label"=>"Test", "align"=>"right"));
if($grid->oper == "pdf") {
// reprint table header
"reprint_grid_header" => true
// Enable navigator
$grid->navigator = true;
// Enable excel export
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf"=>true,"add"=>false,"edit"=>false,"del"=>false,"view"=>false, "excel"=>false));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid','#pager',true, null, null, true,true);
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