2017-04-13 52 views

我知道這一點的代碼,但它真的快把我逼瘋了:( 它不斷拋出這個方法DFS()期待在第31行返回類型的錯誤,但它被聲明爲返回一個無效!這到底是怎麼回事?我似乎已經檢查了所有的括號和範圍看起來不錯IDK的是什麼原因造成這個! 感謝您的幫助!錯誤:無效的方法聲明;返回類型要求(第31行)

import java.util.*; 
import java.io.*; 

public class Project10 { 

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("dictionary.txt"))); 
    BufferedReader boardLoad = new BufferedReader(args[0]); 
    ArrayList<String> dictionary = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    HashSet<String> hashDict = new HashSet<String>(); 

    while (br.ready()) { 
     String word = br.readLine(); 


int boardSize = Integer.parseInt(boardLoad.readLine()); 
String[][] board = new String[boardSize][boardSize]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < boardSize - 1; i++) { 
    for (int j = 0; j < boardSize - 1; i++) { 
     board[i][j] = boardLoad.read(); 

int row = 0; 
int col = 0; 
String word = ""; 
dfs(row, col, board, dictionary, hashDict, word); 


private static void dfs(int r, int c, String[][] board, 
         ArrayList<String> dict, HashSet set, String word) { 

word += board[r][c]; 

boolean isWord = isWord(set, word); 
boolean isPrefix = isPrefix(dict, word); 

if(!isWord && !isPrefix) { 
} else if (isWord) { 

if (r != 0 && isLowerCase(board[r-1][c])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r-1, c, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (r != 0 && c != board.length - 1 && isLowerCase(board[r-1][c+1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r-1, c+1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (c != board.length - 1 && isLowerCase(board[r][c+1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r, c+1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (r != board.length && c != board.length - 1 && isLowerCase(board[r+1][c+1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r+1, c+1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (r != board.length - 1 && isLowerCase(board[r+1][c])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r+1, c, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (r != board.length - 1 && c != 0 && isLowerCase(board[r+1][c-1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r+1, c-1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (c != 0 && isLowerCase(board[r][c-1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r, c-1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 

if (r != 0 && c != 0 && isLowerCase(board[r-1][c-1])) { 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toUpperCase(); 
    dfs(r-1, c-1, board, word); 
    board[r][c] = board[r][c].toLowerCase(); 


private static boolean isWord(HashSet<String> hashDict, String word) { 
return hashDict.contains(word); 

private static boolean isPrefix(ArrayList<String> dictionary, String word) { 
int lo = 0; 
int hi = dictionary.size() - 1; 
while(lo <= hi) { 
    int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2; 
    if (dictionary.get(mid).startsWith(word)) { 
    return true; 
    } else if (dictionary.get(mid).compareTo(canonWord) < 0) { 
    lo = mid + 1; 
    } else { 
    hi = mid - 1; 
    return false; 

private static boolean isLowerCase(String str) { 
    return str.equals(str.toLowerCase()); 


請開始與正確縮進你的代碼 - 無論是通過手工或最好使用IDE的「格式化源代碼」功能。我相信你會在某處找到缺少'}'或超級''''的。 –


問題是在您若塊(S)當您試圖遞歸調用「DFS」的方法,你傳遞的參數不正確的類型/數量。 this - > dfs(r-1,c,board,word);是問題。確保你添加了所需數量的參數並確保類型匹配。 –


你有幾個編譯錯誤,首先是'的BufferedReader boardLoad =新的BufferedReader(新的FileReader(新文件(參數[0])));' - 未來是種很大的,你的遞歸調用DFS不匹配的方法簽名。 –






//First line to correct 
BufferedReader boardLoad = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(args[0]))); 

//Second line to correct 
board[i][j] = String.valueOf(boardLoad.read()); 

//Next N lines to correct 
dfs(r - 1, c + 1, board, dict, set,word); 

