背景:我使用的Symfony表單和Symfony的驗證組件來呈現在我的應用程序的註冊頁面在我的Silex使用形式。如何在一個silex應用程序中使用Symfony 2驗證組件顯示Symfony 2表單錯誤?
$app->post('/register-handler', function(Request $request) use($app)
// Empty domain object
$user = new MppInt\Entity\User();
// Create the form, passing in a new form object and the empty domain object
$form = $app['form.factory']->create(new MppInt\Form\Type\RegisterType(), $user);
// Bind the request data to the form which puts it into the underlying domain object
// Validate the domain object using a set of validators.
// $violations is a ConstraintValidationList
$violations = $app['validator']->validate($user);
// Missing step - How do I get a ConstraintValidationList back into the
// form to render the errors in the twig template using the {{ form_errors() }}
// Helper.