2017-08-07 123 views


任何時候向「S」-Savings賬戶存入款項時,銀行都應該支付存款的5% 每當退款導致賬戶餘額降至$ 0以下時,就應該受到懲罰。 「C」-Checking和「S」-Savings賬戶的罰款分別爲20美元和30美元。
當帳戶中的餘額低於$ 0時向用戶顯示消息。該消息應說明負面的帳戶。

abstract class Account 
    private float balance; 
    private float penalty; 

    static void Main(string[] args) 
     Console.Write("Please enter your full name: "); 
     string username = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Please enter your account type to create(C -Checking or S -Savings):"); 
     string accounttype = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Please enter your opening balance: "); 
     string openingbalance = Console.ReadLine(); 

     Console.Write("Please specify if you are going to deposit or withdrawl(D -Deposit or W -Withdraw):"); 
     string depositwithdrawl = Console.ReadLine(); 

     if (accounttype == "S" && depositwithdrawl == "D") 
      balance = (1 + 5 %) * openingbalance; 

     if balance < 0; 
     get { return balance; } 

    public class SavingAccount: Account 
     public void MakeDeposit(float amount) 
      balance += amount; 
     public void MakeWithdraw(float amount) 
      balance -= amount; 

    public class CheckingAccount: Account 
     public void MakeDeposit(float amount) 
      balance += amount; 
     public void MakeWithdraw(float amount) 
      balance -= amount; 

    public void ApplyPenalty(float amount) 
     if (balance < 0 && accounttype == "S") 
      penalty = 30; 

     if (balance < 0 && accounttype == "C") 
      penalty = 20; 

    public void ApplyMethod(float amount) 
     if (balance < 0 && accounttype == "S") 
      balance = balance-30; 

     if (balance < 0 && accounttype == "C") 
      balance = balance- 20; 

    public float Balance 
     get { return balance; } 
  1. 介紹一個抽象類Account.cs

  2. 介紹2班從Account.cs類繼承(SavingsAccount &的CheckingAccount)

  3. 有一個抽象方法MakeDeposit()在Account.cs類

  4. 實現派生中的MakeDeposit()類

  5. 已經在Account.cs類

  6. 貫徹ApplyMethod()從帳戶餘額中扣除罰款金額一個抽象方法ApplyPenalty()。

我總是得到「ACCOUNTTYPE」不存在於當前上下文 存在錯誤,並用於可變的平衡,需要用於非靜態字段,方法或屬性「Account.balance對象引用'





if (balance < 0 && accounttype == "S") 



abstract class Account 
    private float balance; 
    private float accounttype; 

現在,在我們得到你的第二個錯誤,你應該重新安排你的代碼一點點。我假設你想要你創建一個C#控制檯應用程序,它應該有一個靜態無效的Main(string [] args)方法作爲你的程序的起點。問題在於你已經在你的Account類中封裝了Main()方法,我不認爲這就是你想要做的。



abstract class Account 
    private decimal balance; 
    private decimal penalty; 
    private string accounttype; 

    public void MakeDeposit(decimal amount) 
     balance += amount; 

    // ... and so on 

    public decimal Balance 
     get { return balance; } 
     // This is new too... you'll need this 'set' method here in your Balance property. More on that later. 
     set { balance = value; } 

// Now we put the Main() method 
static void Main(string [] args) 
    // Your main program code goes here. 



// This can probably go after your Account class definition, but just before your Main() method: 
class SavingsAccount : Account 
    // More stuff will go here later 


// Bad things here... balance=(1+5%)*openingbalance; 


bool isBalanceValid = false; 
    decimal decOpeningBalance = 0; 
    Console.Write("Please enter your opening balance: "); 

    while (! isBalanceValid) 
     string openingbalance = Console.ReadLine(); 
     if (! decimal.TryParse(openingbalance, out decOpeningBalance)) 
      Console.WriteLine("You must enter a valid decimal value, please try again"); 
      isBalanceValid = true; 

好了,回跌到哪裏,我們分配平衡儲蓄帳戶... C#不使用「%」簽收小數,所以使用0.05爲5%:

SavingsAccount savingsAccount = new SavingsAccount(); 

    if (accounttype == "S" && depositwithdrawl == "D") 
     savingsAccount.Balance = (1 + 0.05M) * decOpeningBalance; 



非常感謝您的耐心和詳細的指導!對此,我真的非常感激。 – yanma


我的榮幸。如果答案可以接受,請將其標記爲這樣。謝謝! –