對於這些類型的問題,查看node.js如何處理source code中的定時器通常很有用。
如果您在計時器觸發時不需要絕對精度,那麼您可能會通過僅爲特定時間範圍(例如偶數個100ms)安排計時器,使得計時器更經常地合併和共享計時器對象。這將在同一個觸發時間內調度更多的定時器,並允許node.js將更多定時器放入同一個列表中,以便共享一個系統定時器。我不知道這對您的定時器是否可行,或者甚至是需要的,但是在研究node.js如何工作時,它會提高效率。 Node.js內部的定時器列表會更少,libuv中的系統定時器更少。
// HOW and WHY the timers implementation works the way it does.
// Timers are crucial to Node.js. Internally, any TCP I/O connection creates a
// timer so that we can time out of connections. Additionally, many user
// user libraries and applications also use timers. As such there may be a
// significantly large amount of timeouts scheduled at any given time.
// Therefore, it is very important that the timers implementation is performant
// and efficient.
// Note: It is suggested you first read though the lib/internal/linkedlist.js
// linked list implementation, since timers depend on it extensively. It can be
// somewhat counter-intuitive at first, as it is not actually a class. Instead,
// it is a set of helpers that operate on an existing object.
// In order to be as performant as possible, the architecture and data
// structures are designed so that they are optimized to handle the following
// use cases as efficiently as possible:
// - Adding a new timer. (insert)
// - Removing an existing timer. (remove)
// - Handling a timer timing out. (timeout)
// Whenever possible, the implementation tries to make the complexity of these
// operations as close to constant-time as possible.
// (So that performance is not impacted by the number of scheduled timers.)
// Object maps are kept which contain linked lists keyed by their duration in
// milliseconds.
// The linked lists within also have some meta-properties, one of which is a
// TimerWrap C++ handle, which makes the call after the duration to process the
// list it is attached to.
// ╔════ > Object Map
// ║
// ╠══
// ║ refedLists: { '40': { }, '320': { etc } } (keys of millisecond duration)
// ╚══ ┌─────────┘
// │
// ╔══ │
// ║ TimersList { _idleNext: { }, _idlePrev: (self), _timer: (TimerWrap) }
// ║ ┌────────────────┘
// ║ ╔══ │ ^
// ║ ║ { _idleNext: { }, _idlePrev: { }, _onTimeout: (callback) }
// ║ ║ ┌───────────┘
// ║ ║ │ ^
// ║ ║ { _idleNext: { etc }, _idlePrev: { }, _onTimeout: (callback) }
// ╠══ ╠══
// ║ ║
// ║ ╚════ > Actual JavaScript timeouts
// ║
// ╚════ > Linked List
// With this, virtually constant-time insertion (append), removal, and timeout
// is possible in the JavaScript layer. Any one list of timers is able to be
// sorted by just appending to it because all timers within share the same
// duration. Therefore, any timer added later will always have been scheduled to
// timeout later, thus only needing to be appended.
// Removal from an object-property linked list is also virtually constant-time
// as can be seen in the lib/internal/linkedlist.js implementation.
// Timeouts only need to process any timers due to currently timeout, which will
// always be at the beginning of the list for reasons stated above. Any timers
// after the first one encountered that does not yet need to timeout will also
// always be due to timeout at a later time.
// Less-than constant time operations are thus contained in two places:
// TimerWrap's backing libuv timers implementation (a performant heap-based
// queue), and the object map lookup of a specific list by the duration of
// timers within (or creation of a new list).
// However, these operations combined have shown to be trivial in comparison to
// other alternative timers architectures.
// Object maps containing linked lists of timers, keyed and sorted by their
// duration in milliseconds.
// The difference between these two objects is that the former contains timers
// that will keep the process open if they are the only thing left, while the
// latter will not.
在計時器的NodeJS不是*併發*。 – zerkms
@zerkms上下文中的含義很明確。 – barron
不是。不是使用內存和CPU的計時器,而是您已安排的工作。所以你應該關心你的代碼做了多少工作,而不是定時器。 – zerkms