public void play()
//Array lists
ArrayList<Card>currentHand = new ArrayList<Card>();
ArrayList<Decks> dealCards = new ArrayList<Decks>();
// implement this method!
while(balance >0){
//Showing the balance
balance = startingBalance;
System.out.println("Your current balance is: " +balance);
//Scanner asking for wager
Scanner fromKeyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("How much would you like to wager? ");
bet = fromKeyboard.nextInt();
//To play
if(bet <= balance){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
List<Card> discardCards;
System.out.println("Lets play!");
//Placing bet
balance -= bet;
//Distributing first 5 cards
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
//Discarding cards
System.out.println("Which cards would you like to throw (Enter any of the digits: 1 2 3 4 5, respectively: ");
while (in.hasNext()){
//Or not to play
System.out.println("Not a valid wager");
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
The method add(Card) in the type List<Card> is not applicable for the arguments (Decks)
The method add(Card) in the type List<Card> is not applicable for the arguments (Scanner)
'類型列表中的方法add(Card)不適用於參數(Scanner)''。它表示您正試圖將'Scanner'實例添加到'List '。 –
'dealCards'包含'Desks','currentHand'包含'Card',您不能將'Desks'添加到'Card'列表中...... – MadProgrammer
看起來您創建的ArrayList是泛型類型'Card '並且你正在添加'Decks'類的對象。如果'Decks'類不是'Card'類的子類,那麼JVM將通過這個預期。如果設計允許的話,可以讓您的ArrayList類型爲'Decks'或擴展'Decks'類爲'Card' –