var existing_rows_length = this.state.existing_rows.length
, new_index = existing_rows_length + this.state.new_rows.length - 1
var existing_rows = this.state.existing_rows.map(function(row, i) {
return (
<TableRow data={row} key={"row-" + i} index={i} />
var new_rows = this.state.new_line_items.map(function(row, i) {
return (
<TableRow data={li} key={"row-" + i + existing_row_length} index={i + existing_row_length} unsaved={true} />
return (
<TableRow data={{}} index={new_index} unsaved={true} />
var new_rows = $(this.getDOMNode())
.map(function(i, el) { return $(el).find('input') })
.map(function(i, inputs) {
return _.reduce(inputs, function(memo, input) {
var $input = $(input)
, attrName = $input.attr('name').match(/\[([^\[]*)\]$/)[1]
memo[attrName] = $input.val()
return memo
}, {})
this.setState({ // This is line 17, in the function ensureNewRow, of table_body.js
existing_rows: this.state.existing_rows
, new_rows: new_rows
[Warning] Child objects should have non-numeric keys so ordering is preserved. Check the render method of LineItemList. See http://fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information. (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 9663)
[Error] Error: Invariant Violation: traverseAllChildren(...): Encountered an invalid child; DOM elements are not valid children of React components.
perform (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 15428)
batchedUpdates (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 8681)
enqueueUpdate (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 13744)
replaceState (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 6211)
setState (851543_741761425909553_1789649762_n.js, line 6183)
ensureNewRow (table_body.js, line 17)
(anonymous function) ([native code], line 0)
dispatch (jquery.js, line 4642)
handle (jquery.js, line 4310)
繼鏈接,其實需要我在這裏:「http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/multiple-components.html#dynamic-children」,它說在前面加上字符串鍵(我已經做了 - 我試圖爲前綴來具有相同的前綴,並嘗試使用不同的前綴)。