2013-10-01 34 views

我正在嘗試使用C# UnitTest中的ExpectedException屬性,但我遇到了問題,無法使用我的特定Exception。這是我得到的:ExpectedException屬性用法


    public void TestSetCellContentsTwo() 
     // Create a new Spreadsheet instance for this test: 
     SpreadSheet = new Spreadsheet(); 

     // If name is null then an InvalidNameException should be thrown. Assert that the correct 
     // exception was thrown. 
     ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents(null, "String Text"); 
     **Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException);** 

     // If text is null then an ArgumentNullException should be thrown. Assert that the correct 
     // exception was thrown. 
     ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("A1", (String) null); 
     Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is ArgumentNullException); 

     // If name is invalid then an InvalidNameException should be thrown. Assert that the correct 
     // exception was thrown. 
      ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("25", "String Text"); 
      Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException); 

      ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("2x", "String Text"); 
      Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException); 

      ReturnVal = SpreadSheet.SetCellContents("&", "String Text"); 
      Assert.IsTrue(ReturnVal is InvalidNameException); 





它會失敗,除非異常的類型正是您在屬性 如

PASS指定的類型: -

    public void DivideTest() 
     int numerator = 4; 
     int denominator = 0; 
     int actual = numerator/denominator; 

失敗: -

    public void DivideTest() 
     int numerator = 4; 
     int denominator = 0; 
     int actual = numerator/denominator; 


    [ExpectedException(typeof(System.Exception), AllowDerivedTypes=true)] 
    public void DivideTest() 
     int numerator = 4; 
     int denominator = 0; 
     int actual = numerator/denominator; 

工程就像一個魅力,感謝您的解釋。這是一些簡單的代表,歡呼! – Jonathan


我不會鼓勵 [TestMethod的()] [的ExpectedException(typeof運算(System.Exception的),AllowDerivedTypes =真)] 出於同樣的原因,我不鼓勵 ... 趕上(異常前) {... – Mick


難道我們不需要圍繞預期的違規代碼嘗試捕獲預期的異常嗎? –