2012-05-11 91 views


示例: ClassificationSet =(1,2,3,4,5,6)由用戶#define的
RasterVal =()#長度= N

我存儲物品進入RasterVal使用ClassificationSet作爲指標: RasterVal(ClassificationSet)。新增(導入值)

RasterVal(1) = 22,23,24,25,23,23,22 
RasterVal(2) = 22,30,31,32,30,30 
RasterVal(3) = 31 

它是:RasterVal([],[22,23,24 ,25,23,23,22],[22,30,31,32,30,30],[31])


輸出應該是: RepeatSet = 22,31



你可以嘗試使用'set'和'Counter'來完成它。 – lukecampbell


相關:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2116286/python-find-identical-items-in-multiple-lists – ChristopheD




>>> lsts = [[22,23,24,25,23,23,22],[22,30,31,32,30,30],[31]] 
>>> from collections import Counter 
>>> c = Counter(x for lst in lsts for x in set(lst)) 
>>> [x for x,y in c.items() if y > 1] 
[22, 31] 


#-- Your initial data... 
rasterVals = [ 

#-- This will be a set, which holds only distinct values. 
repeated = set() 

#-- We set up a classic inner-outer loop to iterate over all 
#-- pairs of lists in your given data. (Note, there are better ways 
#-- of doing this in Python, but this is the easiest to read and understand) 
for a in rasterVals: 
    #-- First, we'll make a set from the first element. 
    #-- Since sets only hold distinct values, any repeated numbers 
    #-- in the sequence will be ignored. 
    s = set(a) 

    for b in rasterVals: 
     #-- Test that we are not comparing a sequence to itself. 
     if (a is not b): 
      #-- Make a set for the inner loop. (again, only distinct numbers...) 
      t = set(b) 

      #-- Get the intersection of s and t, answering with only those elements 
      #-- that are in both s and t. 
      intersecting = (s & t) 

      #-- We update our set of (inter-sequence) repeated elements. 

#-- Show the results. 
print repeated 
RasterVal = [[22,23,24,25,23,23,22],[22,30,31,32,30,30],[31]] 

from itertools import combinations 
out = set() 
for a,b in combinations(RasterVal,2): 
    out = out|(set(a)&set(b)) 

print out 
set([22, 31])