function save() {
//loop to keep adding songs within the array
var addSong = //create the object inside the function
title: document.number.title.value,
artist: document.number.artist.value,
col: document.number.col.value,
dur: document.number.dur.value
//output the song title of the saved song
document.number.saved.value = addSong.title;
return addSong;
var sTitle = document.searchSong.searchTitle.value; // assigning the search box to 'sTitle'
var library = new Array() //array to store each song
var song = addSong.title;
//function to search for a song saved in the music() array
function search() {
//if statement to compare the inputs and see if the song is in the
if (sTitle == song) {
//if the song title is there then it is output
document.searchSong.result.value = song;
} else {
//if not then 'no song' is output instead
document.searchSong.result.value = "no song";
爲什麼所有這些屬性都添加到'document'中? – adeneo 2015-03-18 21:54:11
因爲採用的形式讓用戶輸入IM到陣列 – 2015-03-18 21:55:50
內保存這是整個腳本?因爲如果是這樣,你需要調用函數「保存()」,並試圖訪問它的「標題」屬性前轉讓其結果addSong。 – oLeduc 2015-03-18 21:56:50