2013-10-13 58 views



function numberWithCommas(x) { 
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } 

$(function() { 
     range: "max", 
     min: 50, 
     max: 20000, 
     value: 50, 
     slide: function (event, ui) { 


$("button").button().click(function (event) { 
    var value1 = parseInt($("#amount").val()); //get value of slider 
    var result = 0; 
    var radioval = $('input[name=radio]:checked', '#myForm').val(); 
    var tons = (value1/2000).toFixed(1); 

    //By the pound bulk prices 
    if (radioval == "handpicked" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 7.50; 
    else if (radioval == "minerun" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 4.50; 
    else if (radioval == "hematitemix" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 3.50; 

    //By the ton bulk prices 
    else if (radioval == "handpicked" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 5.99; 
    else if (radioval == "minerun" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 3.99; 
    else if (radioval == "hematitemix" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 2.99; 

    //Show Results 
    var perpoundamt = (result/value1).toFixed(2); 
    var finalcostraw = Math.round(result); 
    var finalcost = numberWithCommas(finalcostraw); 

    $("#resultlabel").text("Result: " + "$" + finalcost); //show result 
    $("#perpoundlabel").text("Per Pound " + "$" + perpoundamt); //show result 
    $("#tonslabel").text("Number of tons " + tons); //show result 



@Pachonk這是有道理的,只是頂部有一行未格式化的代碼 – Dan


謝謝你。 – Dan





    range: "max", 
    min: 50, 
    max: 20000, 
    value: 50, 
    slide: function (event, ui) { 
    change: function(event, ui) { 
     alert("Changing, this is where button code goes"); 


function numberWithCommas(x) { 
    return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); 

$(function() { 

     range: "max", 
     min: 50, 
     max: 20000, 
     value: 50, 
     slide: function (event, ui) { 
     change: function(event, ui) { 

      //This happends when you change the slider value 
      var value1 = parseInt($("#amount").val()); //get value of slider 
      var result = 0; 
      var radioval = $('input[name=radio]:checked', '#myForm').val(); 
      var tons = (value1/2000).toFixed(1); 

      //By the pound bulk prices 
      if (radioval == "handpicked" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 7.50; 
      else if (radioval == "minerun" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 4.50; 
      else if (radioval == "hematitemix" && value1 < 2000) result = value1 * 3.50; 

      //By the ton bulk prices 
      else if (radioval == "handpicked" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 5.99; 
      else if (radioval == "minerun" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 3.99; 
      else if (radioval == "hematitemix" && value1 > 2000) result = value1 * 2.99; 

      //Show Results 
      var perpoundamt = (result/value1).toFixed(2); 
      var finalcostraw = Math.round(result); 
      var finalcost = numberWithCommas(finalcostraw); 

      $("#resultlabel").text("Result: " + "$" + finalcost); //show result 
      $("#perpoundlabel").text("Per Pound " + "$" + perpoundamt); //show result 
      $("#tonslabel").text("Number of tons " + tons); //show result 



真棒謝謝你!有沒有一種方法可以在滑動時更新它,而不僅僅是在放開滑塊之後?然後讓變量再次更新,如果用戶在3個選項之間切換,同時將滑塊保留在原來的位置?我來自視覺基本世界,我迷失在JavaScript語義:( – Dan