2015-09-28 110 views

我想要獲取目錄的大小以及它在OS X上使用Swift的內容。到目前爲止,我只能獲得目錄本身的大小,而沒有任何內容。對於我的大多數目錄,它通常顯示6,148字節的值,但它確實是varie。如何在OS X上使用Swift獲取目錄大小




Calculate the size of a folder


How to get the file size given a path?

我使用的Xcode 7.0和運行OS X 10.10.5。



更新:的Xcode 8.2.1•斯威夫特3.0.2

// get your directory url 
let documentsDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first! 
// check if the url is a directory 
if (try? documentsDirectoryURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]))?.isDirectory == true { 
    print("url is a folder url") 
    // lets get the folder files 
    var folderSize = 0 
    (try? FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentsDirectoryURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil))?.lazy.forEach { 
     folderSize += (try? $0.resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey]))?.totalFileAllocatedSize ?? 0 
    // format it using NSByteCountFormatter to display it properly 
    let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter() 
    byteCountFormatter.allowedUnits = .useBytes 
    byteCountFormatter.countStyle = .file 
    let folderSizeToDisplay = byteCountFormatter.string(for: folderSize) ?? "" 
    print(folderSizeToDisplay) // "X,XXX,XXX bytes" 


// get your directory url 
let documentsDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first! 
// check if the url is a directory 
if (try? documentsDirectoryURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]))?.isDirectory == true { 
    var folderSize = 0 
    (FileManager.default.enumerator(at: documentsDirectoryURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)?.allObjects as? [URL])?.lazy.forEach { 
     folderSize += (try? $0.resourceValues(forKeys: [.totalFileAllocatedSizeKey]))?.totalFileAllocatedSize ?? 0 
    let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter() 
    byteCountFormatter.allowedUnits = .useBytes 
    byteCountFormatter.countStyle = .file 
    let sizeToDisplay = byteCountFormatter.string(for: folderSize) ?? "" 
    print(sizeToDisplay) // "X,XXX,XXX bytes" 

有低於2個的屏幕截圖。我無法獲得大小匹配。 My Documents目錄是〜1.50綠帶 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8F7IPsTUK7gUEVzeU5JRTF0Qms/view?usp=sharing 但控制檯只報告272個字節 https://drive.google。 com/file/d/0B8F7IPsTUK7gaDBiZkdfREZhWkE/view?usp = sharing – JackVaughn


它是本地文件夾嗎? –


就是這樣。對我的代碼進行的唯一更改是打印文檔url,以確保它是正確的。 – JackVaughn



func findSize(path: String) throws -> UInt64 { 

    let fullPath = (path as NSString).expandingTildeInPath 
    let fileAttributes: NSDictionary = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: fullPath) as NSDictionary 

    if fileAttributes.fileType() == "NSFileTypeRegular" { 
     return fileAttributes.fileSize() 

    let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: fullPath) 
    guard let directoryEnumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(at: url as URL, includingPropertiesForKeys: [URLResourceKey.fileSizeKey], options: [.skipsHiddenFiles], errorHandler: nil) else { throw FileErrors.BadEnumeration } 

    var total: UInt64 = 0 

    for (index, object) in directoryEnumerator.enumerated() { 
     guard let fileURL = object as? NSURL else { throw FileErrors.BadResource } 
     var fileSizeResource: AnyObject? 
     try fileURL.getResourceValue(&fileSizeResource, forKey: URLResourceKey.fileSizeKey) 
     guard let fileSize = fileSizeResource as? NSNumber else { continue } 
     total += fileSize.uint64Value 
     if index % 1000 == 0 { 
      print(".", terminator: "") 

    if total < 1048576 { 
     total = 1 
     total = UInt64(total/1048576) 

    return total 

enum FileErrors : ErrorType { 
    case BadEnumeration 
    case BadResource 

輸出值爲兆字節。 從源轉換:https://gist.github.com/rayfix/66b0a822648c87326645


請注意,您還需要(從源代碼引用):枚舉FileErrors:錯誤{ 情況下BadEnumeration 情況下BadResource } –


我添加了錯誤類型枚舉也。 Thx丹 –



private func sizeToPrettyString(size: UInt64) -> String { 

    let byteCountFormatter = ByteCountFormatter() 
    byteCountFormatter.allowedUnits = .useMB 
    byteCountFormatter.countStyle = .file 
    let folderSizeToDisplay = byteCountFormatter.string(fromByteCount: Int64(size)) 

    return folderSizeToDisplay 
