2016-01-22 48 views

,我發現了以下錯誤在我的控制檯 遺漏的類型錯誤:成功不是一個函數如何解決的成功不是一個函數錯誤

誤差會在這裏Chrome瀏覽器控制檯抓到: 成功( );


  if (jQuery === undefined) { // This ensures that jQuery is loaded before running document ready code: 
       getScript('/imagesrv/apps/common/js/jq/jquery-1.8.3.min.js', function() { 
       if (jQuery === undefined) { // Super failsafe - still somehow failed... 
       } else { 
      } else { // jQuery was already loaded 

      function gpUtilsDocReady() { 
       $('div.headingarea').off('click').on('click', function() { 

      function getScript(url, success) { 
       var script = document.createElement('script'); 
       script.src = url; 
       var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], done = false; 

       script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { // Attach handlers for all browsers 
       if (!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete')) { 
        done = true; 
        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; 

      function PTHTTPGETRequest_Replacement(url, functionOrDiv) { 
      if (arguments.length == 1) { 
        else if (eval("typeof " + functionOrDiv + " == 'function'")) { 
        else { 
        $("#" + functionOrDiv).load(url, helpCallback(functionOrDiv)); 

      //popup window functions 
      function rawPopUp(url, width, height, features, target) { 
      // attempt to clean up all random js popups 
      var u = url; 
      var t = target; 
      var w = width; 
      var h = height; 
      var f = features; 

      // return if there is no URL 
      if (u == null) { 
      return false; 

      // set up default values if none passed 
      t = t ? t : "_blank"; 
      w = w ? w : 990; 
      h = h ? h : 650; 
      f = f ? f : "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes"; 

      // find middle x and y position of the screen 
      var left = (window.screen.width - w)/2; 
      var top = (window.screen.height - h)/2; 
      var newWin=null; 
      var settings = 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',top=' + top + ',left=' + left + ', ' + f; 
      newWin = window.open(u, t, settings); 

      function openBio(href) { 
      // opens Analysts Bio 
      rawPopUp(href, '579', '450', 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes','_0'); 
      return false; 

      var contentPopupInProgressMap = {}; 

      * containerId - The unique id of the popup container div. It must also 
      *    contain a div with the id of <containerId>_content where 
      *    the html content will be loaded. The entire container will 
      *    be shown/hidden. 
      * uniqueId - An id that is unique to the page for identifying the popup. 
      * html - The html to display. 
      * url - The query url for the html to display. 
      * minDelayMs - The minimum delay until the popup is shown (hovering) 
      * Positioning is handled by the following pairs (if not supplied, 
      * the popup will not be positioned): 
      * absLeft/absCenter: Either the absolute left or center for the popup. 
      * absTop/absMiddle: Either the absolute top or middle for the popup. 
      function showContentPopup(args) { 
       args = args || {}; 
       var uniqueId = args.uniqueId; 
       // Clear the popup delay for this source from the map. 
       delete contentPopupInProgressMap[uniqueId]; 
       var container = $('#' + args.containerId);  
       if (container) { 
        var popupInfo = jQuery.extend(true, {}, args); 
        delete popupInfo["html"]; 
        delete popupInfo["url" ]; 
        popupInfo.startTime = new Date().getTime(); 
        // Add it to the inProgress map. 

        if ('html' in args && args.html) { 
        $('#' + popupInfo.containerId + '_content').html(args.html); 
        var minDelayMs = ('minDelayMs' in args && args.minDelayMs) ? args.minDelayMs : 0; 
        setTimeout("eval(" + "showContentPopup_callback('" + uniqueId + "')" + ")", minDelayMs); 
        else if ('url' in args && args.url) { 
         url: args.url, 
         success: function(html) { 
          if(html) { 
           $('#' + popupInfo.containerId + '_content').html(html); 
           var minDelayMs = ('minDelayMs' in args && args.minDelayMs) ? args.minDelayMs : 0; 
           minDelayMs = Math.max((minDelayMs - (new Date().getTime() - popupInfo.startTime)), 0); 
           setTimeout("eval(" + "showContentPopup_callback('" + uniqueId + "')" + ")", minDelayMs); 

      function hideContentPopup(uniqueId) { 
       // Clear the delay. 
       var popupInfo = contentPopupInProgressMap[uniqueId]; 
       if (popupInfo) { 
        $('#' + popupInfo.containerId).css('visibility', 'hidden'); 
       delete contentPopupInProgressMap[uniqueId]; 

      function showContentPopup_callback(uniqueId) { 
       // Show the popup if in progress. 
       var popupInfo = contentPopupInProgressMap[uniqueId]; 
       if (popupInfo && !popupInfo.visibile) { 
        var container = $('#' + popupInfo.containerId);  
        if ('absCenter' in popupInfo && popupInfo.absCenter> 0) { 
        // Always keep the top edge of the container in view. 
        container.offset({ left: Math.max(popupInfo.absCenter - (container.width()/2), 2) }); 
        else if ('absLeft' in popupInfo && popupInfo.absLeft >= 0) { 
        container.offset({ left: popupInfo.absLeft }); 

        if ('absMiddle' in popupInfo && popupInfo.absMiddle > 0) { 
        // Always keep the left edge of the container in view. 
        container.offset({ top: Math.max(popupInfo.absMiddle - (container.height()/2), $(window).scrollTop() + 2) }); 
        else if ('absTop' in popupInfo && popupInfo.absTop >= 0) { 
        container.offset({ top: popupInfo.absTop }); 
        container.css('visibility', 'visible'); 
        popupInfo.visibile = true; 

      function submitSearch(formName, location) { 
        rForm = eval('document.' + formName); 
        typeaheadTermType = document.getElementById("typeaheadTermType").value; 
        typeaheadTermId = document.getElementById("typeaheadTermId").value; 
        rForm.keywords.value = document.getElementById("keywords").value; 

        if (typeaheadTermType) { 
        if (typeaheadTermType.toLowerCase() == 'title') { 
         document.getElementById("typeaheadTermType").value = ''; 
         document.getElementById("typeaheadTermId").value = ''; 
         rForm.keywords.value = escape(document.getElementById("keywords").value); 
         window.location = documentdisplayurl + typeaheadTermId; 
         return false; 

        if (isValidKeyword(rForm.keywords.value)) { 
         return false; 
        }else if (isEmptyKeyword(rForm.keywords.value)) { 
         alert("Please provide keywords for your search"); 
         return false; 
        } else { 
         alert("Your search is too general. Please provide keywords for your search."); 
         return false; 

      function isValidKeyword(keywords) { 
       if (keywords.match(/[A-Z]+/g) || 
        keywords.match(/[a-z]+/g) || 
        keywords.match(/[0-9]+/g)) { 
        return true; 
       if(keywords == "" || keywords == null) 
        return true; 
       return false; 

      function isEmpty(control) { 
       var s = control.value; 
       // Trim leading whitespace. 
       s = s.replace(/^\s+/g, ''); 
       return (s.length == 0); 

      function isEmptyKeyword(keywords) { 
       if (keywords.match(/^ *$/)) { 
        return true; 
       if(keywords == "" || keywords == null) 
        return true; 
       return false; 
      <!-- Searchbox autocomplete-related functionality --> 
      function getkey(e) { 
       if (window.event) 
        return window.event.keyCode; 
       else if (e) 
        return e.which; 
        return null; 
      <!-- The submitSearch function must be implemented in the containing page. --> 
      function searchboxKeyPress(e, formName, location){ 
       if (getkey(e)==13){ 
        submitSearch(formName, location); 
        return false; 
       else { 
        return true; 

      if (window.hdrSearchBox_InitTypeAheadSearch2) { 
        function autocompleteCallbackSearchResults(searchboxName) { 
         var location = searchboxName.replace('/keywords/',''); 
         submitSearch('gSearchForm', location) 

        //typeaheadsugurl is defined in header.ftl for search 
        dojo.addOnLoad(function() { hdrSearchBox_InitTypeAheadSearch(typeaheadsugurl,'gSearchForm', 'keywords', 'divSearchSuggestionsSearchResults', 'autocompleteCallbackSearchResults', 10); }); 

      function hdrSearchBox_InitTypeAheadSearch(typeaheadLink, formName, searchboxName, suggestionsDivName, callbackFunctionName, numResults) { 
       //alert("personalized search:"+personalizedSearch); 
       var minChars = 3; 
       // Define an event handler to populate a hidden form field 
       // when an item gets selected 
       var typeaheadTermType = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("typeaheadTermType"); 
       var typeaheadTermId = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("typeaheadTermId"); 

        { formName: formName, 
        searchboxName: searchboxName, 
        suggestionsDivName: suggestionsDivName, 
        minQueryLength : minChars, 

        url: typeaheadLink + '?num=' + numResults + '&minChars=' + minChars + '&keywords=', 
        requestSchema: { 
            resultsList : "suggestions", 
            fields : [ 
             { key: "term" }, 
             { key: "count" }, 
             { key: "separator" }, 
             { key: "id" }, 
             { key: "type" } 
        formatResultFunction : function(oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) { 
         document.getElementById("divSearchHistoryResults").innerHTML = ''; 
         // Cast to Strings. 
         sQuery = String(sQuery); 
         // Preserve only alphanumerics, spaces, and the - symbol. 
         sQuery = sQuery.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]|^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 
         // Collapse all duplicate spaces. 
         sQuery = sQuery.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); 

         var displayItem = String(oResultData.term); 
         var type = String(oResultData.type); 
         var idx = displayItem.toLowerCase().indexOf(sQuery.toLowerCase()); 
         var pre = (idx> -1) ? displayItem.substr(0, idx) : ''; 
         var sel = (idx> -1) ? displayItem.substr(idx, sQuery.length) : ''; 
         var post = (idx> -1) ? displayItem.substr(idx + sQuery.length): displayItem; 
         var aMarkup = ['']; 
         if(oResultData.separator && type != 'term') { 
          var header = ""; 
          if (type == 'title') { 
           header = "Titles"; 
          else if (type == 'analyst') { 
           header = "Analysts"; 
          else if (type == 'vendor') { 
           header = "Vendors"; 
          else if (type == 'term') { 
           header = "Keywords"; 
          aMarkup = ['<div class=\"clusterTitle\"> <span class="TypeAheadBold">' + header + '</span></div><ul class=\"smartClusters\"><div class=\"TypeAheadWitdh\">', 
              '<span class="TypeAheadBold">', 
         else { 
          aMarkup = ['<div class="TypeAheadWitdh">', 
              '<span class="TypeAheadBold">', 
         return (aMarkup.join('')); 
        itemSelectEventFunction:function(sType, aArgs) { 
         var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance 
         var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element 
         var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data 
         // update hidden form fields with the selected item's id and type 
         typeaheadTermId.value = oData.id; 
         typeaheadTermType.value = oData.type; 
        // Disable autocomplete. 
        eval(searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '=false;'); 
        // Set a timeout to re-enable the typeahead. 
        setTimeout(searchboxName + "Enabled=true", 3000); 
        // Execute the callback. 
         eval(callbackFunctionName + "('" + searchboxName + "')"); 
        callbackFunction : callbackFunctionName, 
        // Turn off local cache. 
        queryMatchSubset : false, 
        maxResults: numResults }); 

       // Basic type ahead configuration. 
      function initTypeAheadSearch(oArgs) { 
       // Create a var to track autocomplete enabled/disabled. 
       eval(oArgs.searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '=true'); 

       function autocompleteIsDisbabled() { 
        return eval(oArgs.searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '==false'); 

       // Trap form submit for the form containing the autocomplete. 
        function(e, myForm) { 
         // Disable autocomplete. 
         eval(oArgs.searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '=false;'); 
         // Set a timeout to re-enable the typeahead. 
         setTimeout(oArgs.searchboxName + "Enabled=true", 3000); 

       // Datasource. 
       var ds = new YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource(oArgs.url); 
       ds.responseType = YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource.TYPE_JSON; 
       ds.responseSchema = oArgs.requestSchema; 
       ds.connXhrMode = 'cancelStaleRequests'; 
       ds.maxCacheEntries = oArgs.maxCacheEntries ? oArgs.maxCacheEntries : 10; 
       ds.queryMatchSubset = oArgs.queryMatchSubset ? oArgs.queryMatchSubset : false; 

       // Create and configure the control. 
       var autocomplete = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(oArgs.searchboxName, oArgs.suggestionsDivName, ds); 

       // Only the item of interest should be returned 
       // (and thus appended to the url). 
       autocomplete.generateRequest = function(sQuery) { 
        return sQuery; 

       autocomplete.forceSelection = oArgs.forceSelection ? true : false; 
       autocomplete.maxResultsDisplayed = oArgs.maxResults ? oArgs.maxResults : 5; 
       autocomplete.minQueryLength = oArgs.minQueryLength ? oArgs.minQueryLength : 2; 
       autocomplete.queryDelay = oArgs.queryDelay ? oArgs.queryDelay :0.2; 
       autocomplete.typeAheadDelay = autocomplete.queryDelay + 0.1; 
       if (oArgs.header) { 
       if (oArgs.body) { 
       if (oArgs.footer) { 

       autocomplete.animVert = oArgs.animVert ? oArgs.animVert : true; 
       autocomplete.animHoriz = oArgs.animHoriz ? oArgs.animHoriz :false; 
       autocomplete.animSpeed = oArgs.animSpeed ? oArgs.animSpeed : 0.05; 
       autocomplete.autoHighlight = oArgs.autoHighlight ? oArgs.autoHighlight : false; 
       // Disable the browser's built-in autocomplete caching mechanism 
       autocomplete.allowBrowserAutocomplete = false; 
       autocomplete.prehighlightClassName = "yui-ac-prehighlight"; 

       autocomplete.resultTypeList = false; 
       autocomplete.formatResult = oArgs.formatResultFunction; 

       // Block suggestion expansion of any in-progress requests. 
       autocomplete.doBeforeLoadData = function(oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) { 
        return !autocompleteIsDisbabled();  

       if (!autocomplete.forceSelection) { 
        // Hook the ENTER key to disable the autocomplete and execute the callback. 
        function checkReturn(e) { 
         var keyno = YAHOO.util.Event.getCharCode(e); 
         if (!autocompleteIsDisbabled() && keyno == 13) { 
          // Disable autocomplete. 
          eval(oArgs.searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '=false;'); 
          // Set a timeout to reenable the typeahead. 
          setTimeout(oArgs.searchboxName + "Enabled=true", 3000); 
          return eval(oArgs.callbackFunction + "('" + oArgs.searchboxName + "')"); 
        YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(autocomplete.getInputEl(), "keypress", checkReturn); 

       // Hook item selection to populate hidden fields and disable the autocomplete and execute the callback. 
       if (oArgs.itemSelectEventFunction) { 
       try { 
       } catch (excep) { } 
       // Hook item selection to disable the autocomplete and execute the callback.  
       try { 
        autocomplete.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function(oSelf , elItem , oData) { 
        // Disable autocomplete. 
        eval(oArgs.searchboxName + 'Enabled' + '=false;'); 

        // Set a timeout to re-enable the typeahead. 
        setTimeout(oArgs.searchboxName + "Enabled=true", 3000); 

        // Execute the callback. 
        eval(oArgs.callbackFunction + "('" + oArgs.searchboxName + "')"); 
       } catch (excep) { } 

       function changeSearchView(viewId,isTabChange) { 
         //var arr = viewIdbaseUrl.split("|"); 
         //var viewId = arr[0]; 
         //var baseUrl = arr[1]; 
         //TODO: Handle Browse URL redirection here based on the viewId 

         //Based on the viewId - determine the baseUrl - This is defined in main-nav.ftl 
         if(viewId == 2){ 
          baseUrl = researchUrl; 
         }else if(viewId == 12){ 
          baseUrl = analystUrl; 
         var keywords = document.getElementById("keywords").value 
         //Allow null keywords 
         var url = baseUrl + '?keywords=' + encodeURIComponent(keywords);    
         if(isTabChange) { 
          url += '&tabChg=true'; 
         window.location = url; 

       function showSearchHistory() { 
        var keywords = document.getElementById("keywords").value 
          type: 'GET', 
          url: searchhistoryurl, 
          success: function(htmlVal) { 
           document.getElementById("divSearchHistoryResults").innerHTML = htmlVal; 

       function submitSearchHistory(searchterm) { 
        document.getElementById("keywords").value = searchterm; 
        return false; 

你在哪裏定義了'success()'? – Tewdyn


這是一個匿名函數,作爲第二個參數傳遞給'getScript',我想。 'getScript('/ imagesrv/apps/common/js/jq/jquery-1.8.3.min.js',function(){// ...' –


是否需要在此處發佈所有代碼?只發布相關的代碼塊? –







if (typeof (success) === "function") { 


getScript("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angular_material/1.0.0/angular-material.min.js", test); 



我會試試這個,非常感謝! – Jimmy
