我無法從使用Pmw(Python mega小部件)的python程序生成可執行文件。我使用cx_Freeze(通過gui後端「Gui2Exe」)。搜索Pmw站點我發現它是由Pmw庫在運行時檢查模塊的方式引起的,當您使用py2exe或類似程序時,它不起作用,因爲這些庫位於zip文件中。更多信息可以在這裏找到:http://pmw.sourceforge.net/doc/dynamicloader.html 因此,他們給出了一個解決方案,在「凍結Pmw」下的那個頁面中,提供了一個腳本,該腳本生成一個單獨的Pmw模塊,您可以輕鬆地將其凍結。但是,該腳本使用不推薦使用的代碼,並且不適用於Python 2.6 +。我試圖修改它,但沒有運氣。Python Pmw和cx_Freeze?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Helper script when freezing Pmw applications. It concatenates all
# Pmw megawidget files into a single file, 'Pmw.py', in the current
# directory. The script must be called with one argument, being the
# path to the 'lib' directory of the required version of Pmw.
# To freeze a Pmw application, you will also need to copy the
# following files to the application directory before freezing:
# PmwBlt.py PmwColor.py
import os
import regsub
import string
import sys
# The order of these files is significant. Files which reference
# other files must appear later. Files may be deleted if they are not
# used.
files = [
'Dialog', 'TimeFuncs', 'Balloon', 'ButtonBox', 'EntryField',
'Group', 'LabeledWidget', 'MainMenuBar', 'MenuBar', 'MessageBar',
'MessageDialog', 'NoteBook', 'OptionMenu', 'PanedWidget', 'PromptDialog',
'RadioSelect', 'ScrolledCanvas', 'ScrolledField', 'ScrolledFrame',
'ScrolledListBox', 'ScrolledText', 'HistoryText', 'SelectionDialog',
'TextDialog', 'TimeCounter', 'AboutDialog', 'ComboBox', 'ComboBoxDialog',
'Counter', 'CounterDialog',
# Set this to 0 if you do not use any of the Pmw.Color functions:
needColor = 1
# Set this to 0 if you do not use any of the Pmw.Blt functions:
needBlt = 1
def expandLinks(path):
if not os.path.isabs(path):
path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)
while 1:
if not os.path.islink(path):
dir = os.path.dirname(path)
path = os.path.join(dir, os.readlink(path))
return path
def mungeFile(file):
# Read the file and modify it so that it can be bundled with the
# other Pmw files.
file = 'Pmw' + file + '.py'
text = open(os.path.join(srcdir, file)).read()
text = regsub.gsub('import Pmw\>', '', text)
text = regsub.gsub('INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT', '', text)
text = regsub.gsub('\<Pmw\.', '', text)
text = '\n' + ('#' * 70) + '\n' + '### File: ' + file + '\n' + text
return text
# Work out which version is being bundled.
file = sys.argv[0]
file = os.path.normpath(file)
file = expandLinks(file)
dir = os.path.dirname(file)
dir = expandLinks(dir)
dir = os.path.dirname(dir)
dir = expandLinks(dir)
dir = os.path.basename(dir)
version = string.replace(dir[4:], '_', '.')
# Code to import the Color module.
colorCode = """
import PmwColor
Color = PmwColor
del PmwColor
# Code to import the Blt module.
bltCode = """
import PmwBlt
Blt = PmwBlt
del PmwBlt
# Code used when not linking with PmwBlt.py.
ignoreBltCode = """
_bltImported = 1
_bltbusyOK = 0
# Code to define the functions normally supplied by the dynamic loader.
extraCode = """
### Loader functions:
_VERSION = '%s'
def setversion(version):
if version != _VERSION:
raise ValueError, 'Dynamic versioning not available'
def setalphaversions(*alpha_versions):
if alpha_versions !=():
raise ValueError, 'Dynamic versioning not available'
def version(alpha = 0):
if alpha:
return _VERSION
def installedversions(alpha = 0):
if alpha:
return (_VERSION,)
if '-noblt' in sys.argv:
needBlt = 0
if '-nocolor' in sys.argv:
needColor = 0
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'usage: bundlepmw.py [-noblt] [-nocolor] /path/to/Pmw/Pmw_X_X_X/lib'
srcdir = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.exists('Pmw.py'):
print 'Pmw.py already exists. Remove it and try again.'
outfile = open('Pmw.py', 'w')
if needColor:
if needBlt:
outfile.write(extraCode % version)
# Specially handle PmwBase.py file:
text = mungeFile('Base')
text = regsub.gsub('import PmwLogicalFont', '', text)
text = regsub.gsub('PmwLogicalFont._font_initialise', '_font_initialise', text)
if not needBlt:
for file in files:
text = mungeFile(file)
print ''
print ' Pmw.py has been created.'
if needColor or needBlt:
print ' Before running freeze, also copy the following file(s):'
if needBlt:
print ' ' + os.path.join(srcdir, 'PmwBlt.py')
if needColor:
print ' ' + os.path.join(srcdir, 'PmwColor.py')
大。我現在就試一試。我建議與Pmw開發者聯繫以添加更改。那麼你做到這一點就是爲什麼我說,如果你沒有時間我可以爲你做。 – Brock123
@ Brock123,這是沒有必要的。我查了一下這個網站,雖然看起來已經放棄了,但貢獻者gruber在幾個月前更新了這個腳本,並把它放到了[cvs sourceforge repository](http://pmw.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pmw/Pmw/Pmw_0_0_0 /bin/bundlepmw.py?revision=1.3&view=markup) – joaquin